Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be down for maintenance on Thursday, May 16th from 6:00PM - 8:00PM CST.

27–31 May 2008
Galena, Illinois, USA
US/Central timezone


QCD, Diffraction and Heavy Ions

28 May 2008, 08:30
Galena, Illinois, USA

Galena, Illinois, USA

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Kunihiro Nagano (DESY)
28/05/2008, 08:30
Daniel Elvira (FNAL)
28/05/2008, 09:00
Fabio Maltoni (Louvain)
28/05/2008, 09:30
Pierre Van Mechelen (Antwerp)
28/05/2008, 10:00
Derek Teaney (Stonybrook)
28/05/2008, 11:00
Marco van Leeuwen (Utrecht University)
28/05/2008, 11:30
Vince Cianciolo (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
28/05/2008, 11:50
Paolo Giubellino (INFN, Torino)
28/05/2008, 12:10
Building timetable...