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The Fermilab International Computing Advisory Committee (ICAC) reviews and advises the laboratory on computing operations, cyber security, upgrade plans, and software and computing R&D aimed towards the development and exploitation of future facilities as well as advancing scientific tools and methods in general. The committee meets at least annually and reports to the Fermilab Director.
The Fermilab Director provides a charge to the ICAC in advance of each meeting. An agenda for each meeting is negotiated between the ICAC chair and the Fermilab Chief Information Officer.
The ICAC is expected to review and to monitor progress within the Fermilab computing operations, cyber security, upgrades, projects and R&D programs with respect to the established laboratory objectives, currently encompassing:
Software and Computing for the Intensity Frontier Experiments;
Fermilab’s involvement in the HL-LHC Software and Computing Upgrades;
Progress toward common solutions for the above domains;
National and International cooperation and collaboration with partner institutions;
The ICAC is expected to address high-level strategic, programmatic, and planning issues, rather than specific implementation details. The committee will be allocated time to discuss amongst themselves, in a closed session, any issue without laboratory management present.
The ICAC will issue a written report containing an evaluation of progress, and recommendations where warranted, to the Fermilab Director within a month of each meeting. The report may contain information that does not address the charge directly, but the Chair considers valuable advice to the laboratory.

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