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29–30 Jan 2013
US/Central timezone
This Workshop has concluded. Please see the timetable (detailed view) for talks and the Final Workshop Report included below in "Materials".

The Project X Energy Station Workshop objective is to identify and explore the nuclear energy relevant research and development that would be possible in a Nuclear Energy Station associated with the Project X Linac and identify the design requirements for conducting the research. The U. S. Nuclear Energy mission will always require the use of test reactors but one of the hypotheses is whether a Nuclear Energy Station associated with Project X could accelerate and enhance the ability to test and evaluate early research concepts. This workshop will identify the synergy and benefit that the Project X Linac could bring to the nuclear energy community. The workshop will also cover topics related to design requirements, challenges and trade-offs associated with optimizing a high-power continuous wave linear accelerator target station for nuclear energy research.
To achieve these objectives, the workshop will be organized into two working groups – one will focus on an Energy Station Proton Beam and Target Design Requirements and the second one focused on Science and Technology Applications.
WG 1 (Energy Station Proton Beam and Target Design Requirements) -Patrick Hurh (FNAL) -Bernie Riemer (ORNL) -Mikey BradyRapp (PNNL)
WG 2 (Science and Technology Applications) -David Senor (PNNL) -Eric Pitcher (LANL) -Yousry Gohar (ANL)

Keynote Speakers:
-Dr. Monica Regalbuto/Dr. Frank Goldner (DOE NE) – DOE NE R&D Challenges and Roadmap for Addressing
-Dr. Stuart Henderson (FNAL) – Role of Accelerators
-Dr. Todd Allen (INL) – Future Needs for Irradiation Testing
The registration fee for this workshop is $34 and covers coffee breaks, attendance at all sessions, a registration packet,  and administrative costs of organizing the Workshop.
Project X Energy Station White Paper (PNNL Report 21134)
This Project X Energy Station White Paper (PNNL Report 21134) is almost a year old and many items within it are somewhat dated. It describes our early understanding of Project X, an outline of an Energy Station design, Programs beyond SC-HEP (with an emphasis on materials) that could benefit from this experimental facility, and a summary of some of the relevant PNNL capability. It was also produced for a different target audience and a different purpose - to introduce PNNL to the Project X Management Team at FNAL. Even with these caveats the White Paper is a good background resource for the Workshop.