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Indico will be down for maintenance on Thursday, May 16th from 6:00PM - 8:00PM CST.

27–28 Apr 2016
US/Central timezone
A number of current and future neutrino experiments already have a strong connection between Latin America and Fermilab, including MINERvA, NOvA, MINOS, CONNIE, LArIAT, SBND, and the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). DUNE is being set up to be a truly international collaboration, with Fermilab as the host laboratory and with strong support from CERN. Two new liquid argon detectors, known collectively as protoDUNE, will be constructed over the next two years at the neutrino platform at CERN. The success of future neutrino initiatives depends on strong engagement from the global scientific community. This meeting will focus on the opportunities for Latin American scientists. The meeting will also discuss the formation of international partnerships, building on the long-standing participation of Latin American Institutions in the global particle physics program at Fermilab, CERN and elsewhere.
One West