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4–8 Aug 2014
US/Central timezone
The course is intended for graduate students and starting postdocs who have programming experience but have not developed software within the framework of a large computing project. The course focuses on programing reconstruction software using tracking reconstruction in C++ as an example. The course is otherwise general and applies to programing problems in any large experimental particle physics project.

Course prerequisites:
  • Students should have introductory level experience in C++ programing.
  • Students should have familiarity with the process of compiling, linking and running programs in a UNIX environment
  • Students should have familiarity with the physics of charged particle trajectories in magnetic fields
  • For students who need to learn C++ programing before the course an excellent book is Accelerated C++ by Andrew Koenig and Barbara Moo
Registration is limited to 70 students only
If you need to be wait listed please send email to

Getting a Fermilab Computing Account : click HERE

Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy (
Sudhir Malik (

Organizing Committee: Matt Herndon (Wisconsin),Mike Hildreth (Notre Dame),
Liz Kennedy (FNAL), Jim Kowalkowski (FNAL), Robert Kutschke (FNAL)
Sudhir Malik (UPRM), Marc Paterno (FNAL)

TAs: W. David Dagenhart (FNAL), Patrick E Gartung (FNAL), Chris Green (FNAL), Prof. Mike Hildreth (Notre Dame), Christopher Jones (FNAL), James B Kowalkowski (FNAL), Robert K Kutschke (FNAL), Qiming Lu (FNAL), Prof. Sudhir Malik (UPRM), Marc F Paterno (FNAL), Paul S Russo (FNAL), Elizabeth S Sexton-Kennedy (FNAL), William M Tanenbaum (FNAL)
