(1) dead channel map into simulation and reconstruction process - We know we have 49 dead wires and 3% dead channels in the readout electronics. We need to add them to the simulation and then test the reconstruction algorithms and make them more robust if necessary. FIRST STEP - use existing tools to turn on dead channels SECOND STEP - work with Gianluca on a more elegant solution SECOND STEP - database interface/storage of bad channels (2) online to offline channel map needs to be implemented in the rawdata input module FIRST STEP - do something by default SECOND STEP - database implementation for any changes during the run (3) finish "splitter and stitcher input module" - talk with Tom Junk (4) implement "splitter and stitcher input module" in reconstruction on MCC files (5) online (software) filtering - does not exist, may need resources like computers which require time to acquire and configure. If we cannot run in continuous acquisition mode (which depends on, among other things, how well zero suppression works. The ADC problem in particular could interfere with zero suppression) then we have to prescale triggers. If the event size is larger than expected, we may not be able to store it all, and instead need to filter the data stream before final storage. (6) near-offline monitoring that is more sophisticated than raw adc counts needs to be developed, currently no infrastructure. This includes things like the online purity monitor and a drift velocity monitor (which is a drift field monitor). Anything that requires TPC hits instead of raw adc counts. Ditto for the photon detectors. (**) PDs: OpDigiAna needs to handle multiple wave forms per channel per event (Gleb Sinev just finished this!!!!!!) (7) PDs: store, access and use channel-by-channel gain and efficiencies (database or fhicl table) (8) DAQ: new data format for zero suppressed data. Needed sooner so that offline code can be adapted. Needs to happen in collaboration with the DAQ group and the person at SLAC writing the zero-suppression firmware for the RCEs. (9) add more information to the DAQ header (correctly called "metadata") such as the run mode, detector components readout and data set name (10) Write the part of the input module that reads and reformats the data from the external counters and triggers (waiting for data files from emulator and/or VST, we have a FNAL computing professional working on the board reader this week.) (11) Software that creates t0 data products from the counter hits. Software that defines standard triggers for the slicer. (same thing in different clothing) (12) Online event display that is useful for 10-drift-window events (existing one + slicer perhaps?, expand existing one to show all 10 drift windows? add "triggers" to aid visual slicing?). We have simulated data to play with.