Present: Celio Adrega De Moura, Laura Fields, Lynn Garren, Herbert Greenlee, Alex Himmel, Thomas Junk, Jonathan Paley, Marc Paterno, Gianluca Petrillo, Saba Sehrish, Gleb Sinev
Connected: Vito Di Benedetto, Tracy Usher
Status report [Gianluca Petrillo on behalf of Erica Snider]
larsoft 4.21.01 was released last week
this week: ifdh_art v1_12_04; event display and pandora (both discussed during the meeting)
Continuous Integration test update by Vito Di Benedetto: tests ready for all experiments, code in feature branch; full update next week
GEANT 4.10 is available, invitation to testing by any interested party
[Gleb Sinev] ROOT 6 availability: it is available as UPS product, but not used by art/LArSoft; work is in progress
Workaround to speed up the event display [Gianluca Petrillo]
issue: 5 minutes to display a noise data event
workaround: consolidate the information before displaying
glitches: new consolidation, needed when view changes, not always automatically triggered
[Alex Himmel] is there any trick to force update? zooming an area using rectangular selection will work; also, can add a button to trigger the update
feature: choice about how to combine multiple ADC counts in one call (no request to change from maximum)
[Thomas Junk] average will not work for induction planes
[Gleb Sinev] improvements on DUNE? no significant one expected
[Herbert Greenlee] is workaround affecting wire display too? no, and it was not checked whether it is needed (probably not); but it can be implemented upon request
[Gleb Sinev] crash when changing TPC in DUNE
request to merge into develop branch
Conclusions: merging after the following:
add a button to force redrawing
[critical] investigate and fix the bug on DUNE 35t
Status of LArSoft factorization of services [Jonathan Paley]
, DetectorProperties
, TimeService
are not decoupled from art
a data provider class for
has been written
service class lives in lardata/Utilities
it does not depend on
service any more
proposing to
move detector-specific properties (e.g. drift velocity) out of LArProperties into DetectorProperties service
to DetectorClock
[Gleb Sinev] suggest plural,
, instead
it needs some testing once done before merging
planning to spend time in updating code
[Gianluca Petrillo] please provide a table to describe how to update user code
Update on Pandora Particle Flow Algorithm [Tracy Usher on behalf of Pandora authors]
John Marshall's slides presented by Tracy
Tracy has integrated local branch with new pandora v. 2 updates, without needing any change in the code. Thus, experiments are not expected to need to change their code for this new version.
[Gianluca Petrillo] who else is using Pandora and could be affected? beside MicroBooNE and DUNE, none known (but representatives of other experiments are missing from the audience)
[Gianluca Petrillo] does DUNE reconstruction test in CI include pandora? standard FHiCL file includes pandora, and the CI test uses (or derives from) it
feature branch for LArSoft/Pandora interface will be merged in this week release
that release will use Pandora v. 2
Recording Service Parameters [Herbert Greenlee]
part of
service status (the detector name) is currently saved on output file
data written on a
data product stored in the run
is saved by various MC generator modules
this information is not saved in reconstruction (and on real data, never saved)
proposing a system to save selected values from the service into output file
this can be from a FHiCL file or from a database query
this can be at event or run level
[Gianluca Petrillo] what are the use cases?
consistency check between the current configuration and the previous one
allow the service to read values cached in the input file rather than using the normal path (e.g. database query)
general interest in this feature is expressed by the experiments
Gianluca will contact Herbert Greenlee to define the way forward
Any other business
[Lynn Garren]
conndb is a UPS package with python scripts to facilitate database connection
request to put in fermigrid app
source code not in repository
[Laura Fields] NOvA has been using this package with great benefits
LArSoft stakeholders are very interested in this utility
UPS product will put in fermigrid app
it will not be present in any distributions until issues are resolved
LArSoft asks the author to provide the software in a code repository
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