DUNE Project Management Meeting 9/21/15 --------------------------------------- temporary ReadyTalk: 8408610# (this week only) dune-pm present: Russ, Terri, Chang Kee, Penka, Jack, Thomas, Eric, Steve, (later Jim, Elaine, Sanjib, others?) Steve reviewed the organization of the meeting (currently planned weekly 8:00 CT) to review work for the week and identify key issues, with reports from management, FD, ND and Prototypes. He showed a high level schedule for the next quarter. Milind requested more detail to be added including near term deadlines for CF Preliminary Design comments (10/9) and CD-3a Director Review talk posting (10/13). Jim requested that a link for the Dir Rev be posted. Eric reviewed management priorities: team building, with WGs starting up this week; CD-3a preparation, addressing open items in Jeff's spread sheet and reviewing interface documents and requirements, Steve to coordinate with Russ, Terri and Milind, Director's Review attendance is restricted to Russ, Terri, Jack, Eric, Jim, Spokesperson, preliminary charge and schedule is due out this week; moving protoDUNE forward, including scheduling a cryostat review in early December and another engineering meeting; managing the FY16 budget; updating the schedules after CD-3a (schedule will be frozen for CD-3a in mid-Nov); identify synergies with SBN and engage international partners. Jim/Tim discussed the schedule for cryostat bids at the end of 2015 and need for another engineering interface meeting; charging the photon detector WG to assess the timing for a down-select and whether additional R&D is needed. [Chang Kee asked what guidance was given to subsystems about funding, which led to some discussion about international support and synergies with SBN. R&D effort is not necessarily planned with project funds.] Several updates to the schedule are needed. Planning for technology choices for detectors #2-4 needs to be incorporated into the schedule. Sanjib was not available for the ND report Thomas reported on WG (Measurement & analysis WG led by Donna and Nowak is under Software & Computing, Calibration WG is under Far Detector Calibration and the Beam WG is under the protoDUNE organization) - all are active. Answers to the SPSC are being reviewed by the EC today and will be forwarded to SPSC. Contact with SPSC chair seems positive and depending on how the answers are received we may or may not need to present at their next meeting. CD-3a prep: Milind discussed the draft charge for the Cryo/Civil Interface WG. Russ discussed the outstanding issues spreadsheet (various versions from Jeff and Marzio. Apparently formal version is in sharepoint? Unclear where we put our input.) A followup meeting was scheduled for 3pm CT. Next Meeting Monday September 28 at 8:00 CT ReadyTalk: 3650710# Meeting adjourned at 9:25 CT.