DUNE Project Management Meeting 9/28/15 --------------------------------------- temporary ReadyTalk: 3650710# dune-pm present: Russ, Terri, Jack, Eric, Steve, Jim, Elaine, Sanjib, others? FD: Tim (and Jim later) ----------------------- a) next engineering meeting will be at CERN 11/9-12. WG convnors are invited. Summary sessions at the end of each day on Vydio. b) 35-ton: final checkout this week, sealup next week, start cryo the following week. Eric contacted Norm and Mark/Tim contacted SLAC/Penn to send people over the next weeks. c) Ed Kearns is the new Electronics WG Convenor. Trying to setup an organizational meeting at BNL soon. Maybe a workshop sometime after. d) management team will visit Ash River and Soudan to discuss installation with Marvin at al. on October 15. e) WG are getting started ND: Sanjib ---------- a) WG convenors have been identified (LAr, GAr, Beam-ND). Will confirm with Management next week, then announce. b) ND WG meeting next Tuesday: coordination with Physics, ND Task Force and ND WG. Difficulty in recruiting as many people busy with NOvA and MINERvA. c) Indian groups planning a meeting in late Oct/early Nov. d) Note that high-level discussions with India (DAE, DST, …) are important. These are being pursued at the Director ate level. ProtoDUNE: Steve/Eric for Thomas. SPSC response submitted (circulated by Eric) PM: Steve --------- a) updated short term schedule b) CD-3a: vote in Eric's poll (http://doodle.com/poll/tf8pv8w7ea6xmsrt) for a meeting to discuss DUNE response to CD-3a. TechBoard meeting Wednesday is also relevant https://indico.fnal.gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=10427. ARUP comments 10/9. c) ProtoDUNE cryostat PRR 12/7-8, TPC/Installation FDR in spring. d) Need to document Lessons Learned from 35-ton to help develop QA plans for ProtoDUNE and DUNE. e) Tim/Jim will task WGs to explore explicitly synergies with SBND. The LBNC meetings are in Indico under: Divisions/Sections/Centers: DIR: Program Planning Office: LBNC From lasst week: Milind requested that the near term schedue include deadlines for CF Preliminary Design comments (10/9) and CD-3a Director Review talk posting (10/13). These are now in Steve's talk. Jim requested that a link for the Dir Rev be posted. http://www.fnal.gov/directorate/OPMO/Projects/LBNF-DUNE/DirRev/2015/20151027/review.htm Next Meeting Monday October 5 at 8:00 CT ReadyTalk: 3650710# Meeting adjourned at 9:05 CT.