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11–13 Jan 2016
US/Mountain timezone

Precision QCD: working with heavy quarks at high scales & high orders

12 Jan 2016, 14:00
Zuni Ballroom

Zuni Ballroom


Prof. Fredrick Olness (SMU)


Searches for new physics will increasingly depend on identifying deviations from precision Standard Model predictions. At higher energies and higher precision, the heavy quarks play an increasingly prominent role. Recent theoretical developments improve our ability to address the multi-scale problem and properly incorporate heavy quark masses across the full kinematic range. This includes a Hybrid Variable Flavor Number Scheme (H-VFNS) for heavy flavors, and the extension of the ACOT scheme for heavy quark production to N2LO and N3LO. We review these developments with respect to upcoming measurements, and identify areas where additional efforts are required.

Presentation materials