Session 7
- Roland Gunther (MIT)
Fredrick Olness
12/01/2016, 14:00
Searches for new physics will increasingly depend on identifying deviations from precision Standard Model predictions. At higher energies and higher precision, the heavy quarks play an increasingly prominent role. Recent theoretical developments improve our ability to address the multi-scale problem and properly incorporate heavy quark masses across the full kinematic range. This includes a...
Mike Williams
12/01/2016, 14:30
LHCb provides unique kinematical coverage in the forward region at the LHC. I will discuss heavy flavor production measurements made by LHCb in Run 1, along with prospects for Runs 2 and 3. Topics will include charm and beauty cross sections; vector boson + heavy flavor jets; and production of top, quarkonia, di-b-jet, and di-c-jet.
Zhenyu Ye
12/01/2016, 15:00