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Jun 26 – 27, 2007
Albuquerque, NM
US/Central timezone
The workshop Announcement: A special mini-workshop on magnet simulations for particle accelerators was held during PAC05 as one of its satellite meetings. The workshop attracted more than 30 participants with 14 presentations and many discussions in two afternoon sessions. The workshop information and material are documented in the PAC05 website: With the support of the PAC07 organizers and the sponsorship of Vector Fields, Inc., we will have the second special mini-workshop on magnet simulations for particle accelerators during PAC07 in Albuquerque. The workshop is intended to bring magnet physicists/engineers together with simulation code developers to exchange ideas and to discuss commonly interested topics in this special field. For participation, presentations, and other detailed information on the workshop, please contact J. G. Wang SNS/ORNL 865-748 4208 (cell) 865-574 8779 (office)
Albuquerque, NM
The Taos Room
The Convention Center
Workshop Agenda First session on Tuesday (2:00-6:30 pm): I. Welcome and Get to Know Each Other II. Workshop Presentations: 1. John Simkin (VF) OPERA version 12 Parametric Modeling and Optimization 2 Vladimir Kashikhin (FNAL) Magnet Simulation Activities at Fermilab 3. Suk Hong Kim (ANL) Helical Undulator Field Analysis and Simulation 4. Toshiya Tanabe (BNL) NSLS-II insertion device development 5. Shlomo Caspi (LBNL) Expressions of 3D magnetic harmonics and its applications to magnet ends 6. J. G. Wang (ORNL) 3D Modeling of SNS Magnets and Beam Line 7 Jean Luc Lancelot (Sigmaphi) a) Design of spiral scaling FFAG magnets b) Improvement of design and manufacturing of a 90° dipole for hadrontherapy gantry 8 Christopher Worsøe Ostenfeld (Danfysik) Magnetic design and self-optimization at Danfysik Second session on Wednesday (8:30 am-12:30 pm): 9 Wuzheng Meng (BNL) Particle Tracking by Using OPERA3d 10 Steve Gottschalk (STI) Using Finite Element Analysis and a Global Optimizer to Sort Magnets and Compensate for Magnet Inhomogeneity 11 Stepan Mikhailov (Duke U.) Synthesis and optimization of electromagnetic fields for the elements of particle accelerators using MERMAID-3D code 12 John Simkin (VF) Modelling Quench in Superconducting Magnets III. Questions and Discussions on Codes and Simulation Techniques John Simkin of VF led the general discussions IV. Future Collaboration