DUNE Project Management Meeting 10/12/15 ---------------------------------------- temporary ReadyTalk: 3650710# dune-pm present: Russ, Tim, Jack, Penka, Eric, Steve, Andre, Jim, Elaine, Thomas, others? FD: Tim and Jim --------------- a) Having received some feedback on the agenda for the next engineering meeting at CERN 11/9-12 (plus some at this meeting), Jim will iterate with Marzio b) SLAC has requested additional funding to modify 35-ton DAQ to zero-suppress in light of the stuck-code issue in the ADCs c) Jim/Tim are iterating on WG charges d) DOE error on budget to BNL will delay contracts. (All OPC will go to LBNF for shaft renovation.) e) Jon Urheim, Ryan Patterson and FD Performance WG have been meeting to coordinate effort on requirements, etc... Andre noted that LBNC has requested reports on progress in developing WGs (next meeting with LBNC is 10/22, with one more followup before CD-3a.) f) Tim will visit SDSU and Augusta College g) Tim noted that MicroBooNE has identified higher levels of Rn than expected (higher than Ar-39) that may be coming from the filters (molecular sieve, Cu). Russ noted that DUNE will use different filters (Oxysorb) and Elaine noted that the DUNE cryogenics team is the same people as MicroBooNE. ND: --- a) Sanjib was unavailable (due to flooding in SC). [He posted slides describing progress on ND WG organization: ND-LAr: Sarah Lockwitz and Martin Auger, ND-GAr: TBD, ND-Evaluation: Costas Andreopoulos, ND-Beam: Xinchun Tian.] ProtoDUNE: Thomas ----------------- a) No response from SPSC referees yet. Eric and Thomas will attend ProtoDUNE SPSC session on the morning of 10/21. b) Key issues: i) two weeks to finalize cryostat interfaces (currently protoDUNE has 1/2 the feedthrus of WA-105) ii) Joint Friday meeting indicated that CERN cryo-group is understaffed. iii) Need to start a ProtoDUNE Slow Control WG CD-3a: Russ/Elaine a) 100% Preliminary Design comments (all that were collected) were submitted by Russ on the deadline last Friday b) Interface Control Documents were updated by Russ and given to Jeff. c) The LBNF/DUNE Recommendation responses (from previous reviews) were updated by Russ/Jim for CD-3a (some more to work on). d) Russ is updating the requirements (including N2 requirement) e) Russ has updated the LBNF/DUNE engineering issues spreadsheet following last Thur meeting and is waiting for Milind to add references. f) Russ wants updates from Jack on Hoisting and Clearance requirements g) Elaine provided an update on FSCF Design: i) Tracy has drafted a plan for getting a final design ii) The start of ARUPs Final Design is now scheduled for April 2016 (and will take ~1 year) iii) The test blast program is being planned by SURF and we should expect a draft plan in a few weeks. iv) Control Room discussion scheduled for 11/9 will be postponed Next Meeting Monday October 19 at 8:00 CT ReadyTalk: 3650710# Meeting adjourned at 8:45 CT.