Present: Herbert Greenlee, Gianluca Petrillo, Saba Sehrish, Erica Snider, Tingjun Yang
Connected: David Adams
The meeting was aimed to collect the status and expected use of databases by the experiments.
No information was collected for LArIAT.
Content of the database:
run-dependent information: lifetime
The database is populated after analysis of some data.
The experiment uses code currently in LArSoft for database access.
This code connects directly to the database; connection problems were observed when many connections were attempted at the same time.
Content of the database:
IOV-based, run granularity: pedestals
(future) IOV-based, maybe subrun granularity: lifetime, temperature
(future) IOV-based, run-based: voltage, bias voltages, ASIC configuration
The convened do now know whether the pedestal database is populated online or offline.
The lifetime will be the result of offline analysis.
The access to database is via web (
Requests for future implementation
want to store database information into the event
The current intentions follow MicroBooNE's.
Content of the database:
lifetime, temperature
dead channel map
DB access should be sone via web interface.
LArIAT, SBND, Icarus
Nobody among the attendants has information on these experiments.
we have collected and summarised information about the forseen use of the DB by MicroBooNE, ArgoNeuT and DUNE
no information could be collected about LArIAT, SBND and Icarus
in a future meeting, we will discuss a model for having DB-like information read transparently from DB or from data products
MicroBooNE expects support or, better, direct ownership of the effort, from LArSoft for the implementation of this feature
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