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16–19 Mar 2016
Wilson Hall
US/Central timezone
The workshop will feature presentations on the latest progress in the understanding of amplitude properties in gauge theories and in gravity.  It will cover advances on both formal and applied sides and is being organized on the occasion of 30 years of MHV amplitudes.

Scientific Organizing Committee:
Luis Alday (Oxford), Zvi Bern (UCLA), Ruth Britto (Trinity College Dublin), Freddy Cachazo (Perimeter Inst.), John Campbell (Fermilab), Lance Dixon (SLAC), Michelangelo Mangano (CERN), Stephen Parke (Fermilab), Tomasz Taylor (Northeastern), Anastasia Volovich (Brown)
Wilson Hall
One West
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
A registration fee of $70 is being charged for participation in this meeting. This fee covers coffee breaks, supplies, and administrative costs of organizing the meeting.
Fermi Research Alliance, LLC will host a reception on Wednesday, March 16, 2016, at 5:45 p.m. on the 2nd Floor Crossover of Wilson Hall. All participants and companions are invited to attend.