August 15, 2016
Look at Higgs sector: Higgs production, so at gluon fusion.
EFT used to search for new physics also describes SM behavior!
Need to break this degeneracy
Normalization to corresponding part of cross-section: only shape matters here; coefficients \(C_i\) a priori unknown. (Harlander, TN '13)
Theory scale uncertanties:
All of them in EFT.
What about a finite top-mass?
\[ F(\Gamma) \to \sum_\gamma \mathcal{T} F(\gamma) \star F(\Gamma\backslash\gamma) \]
Our goal was to estimate effects and assess the validty of the HTL
(Harlander, TN, Ozeren, Wiesemann '12; TN, Wiesemann '14)
Approximation 2. has been used recently, rescaling the virtual piece by the \(m_t\)-exact born (Frederix, Frixione, Vryonidou, Wiesemann '16)
How well does rescaling the EFT really work, especially at high \(p_T\)?