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Mu2e ESS engineering meeting

Drafting Meeting Room

Drafting Meeting Room

Vladimir Nagaslaev (Fermilab)
Mu2e ESS engineering meeting (22 Sep 2015)
Chaired by: Dr. Nagaslaev, Vladimir

  1. State of drawings
    1. Need a list of things to do
  2. Ways to reduce foil deflection
    1. Under std conditions and 1lb tension foil deflection is 97u
    2. Reduction opportunities:
      1. Increase tension – not enough
      2. Reduce foil spacing – what is the pitch limit?   Could be just first 20mm, whole sheet, how about Titanium foil sheet?
      3. Programmed frame profile shape – need to follow exact field shape
      4. Complexed shape of the cathode – narrow width in the first few cm? However:  reducing the width of cathode twice reduces deflection by 25% only
      5. Reducing E-field, this requires increasing betaX;  deflection ~1/betaX
  3. Action items:
    1. VN: calculation of acceptable cathode geometry options
    2. Matt: follow up on available Ti foil quality
    3. Make a decision by next meeting Sept. 29
  4. Will be the Keyence demonstration on Wednesday
  5. Spring prototype
  6. Matt:  Tom Diehl (?) has a measurement system for DES structures – large scale + high precision
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