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Mu2e ESS engineering meeting

Drafting Meeting Room

Drafting Meeting Room

Vladimir Nagaslaev (Fermilab)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

  1. Christine is back
  2. High ES deflection
    1.   Can reduce field 40-50%, factor of 2:  120u --> 60 u, still not enough
    2.   Matt & Dave proposal to make the frame profiled. Not preferred because needs exact matching to the field and constrains against any changes
    3.   Placing Titanium foils in the front region might help. Issues with Ti stability and strength.  May work (?) in the low field region where the probability of sparks is low – must stay low even at conditioning phase!
  3. Ti foils
    1.  Matt wasn’t able to get quotes from Arnolds, and wasn’t able to find Ti grade 5.  Begin with grade 2, it’s cheaper and we can get a good idea from that.
    2.  Want to know the specs on flatness, too.
    3. Dave brought up his calculation of the beam bending in the E-field.  Yes, beam clears the space around the frame and frame imperfections DS become much less important -  we knew this.
  4. Decision is made to move on with high tension and second spring removal mechanism.  Abandon single spring design.
    1. Dave and Mike propose second springs that would not carry high load. This is fine as long as they do the job.
    2.  Design starts now.
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