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Mu2e ESS engineering meeting

Drafting Meeting Room

Drafting Meeting Room

Vladimir Nagaslaev (Fermilab)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

  1. HV cable still not made:  6’ or 8’ length?
  2. Matt found a delay in W/Re foil delivery. The order has never been placed due to miscommunication between Deb and Cindy – different databases, no tracking mechanism on our side.
    1. New order – 2 months lead time
    2. Still have some available, will be able to start
    3. Vendor still may have something in stock?
  3. Salli will be back on 27th
  4. Status of drawings:
    1. Prototype in work
    2. Frame is done
    3. Baffle will be done today
    4. Foils drawn with shims
  5. Baffles: Matt and Mike propose to remove it. Need to make sure Dave is OK with that. Baffles serve multiple functions
  6. Ask Masahito about 25%Re foils
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