Mu2e ESS engineering meeting
Tuesday 17 Nov 2015, 09:00
Drafting Meeting Room
Drafting Meeting Room
Vladimir Nagaslaev
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Matt is off today
Cantilevered design is not done
Propose to return back to a single spring design with 2lbs force
We continue prototyping of the 2-spring assembly
We will base the design of the full scale prototype of the 2-spring
Dave will proceed in parallel with his 1-spring prototype
We will try to prototype the cantilevered design as well
We will make the FINAL decision NO LATER than December 31
Mike will find time to help Dave with his prototype
I redo the deflection calculations ASAP for 2lbs.
Done: 2lbs is fine as long as retraction length is short enough
For 46mm foil length deflection is 34 u in 100kV/1cm field
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