Added a column to the specs document at Matt’s request. This column will be sparsely populated.
At Steve’s request will put it to the TC this week
Brian Hartsell was able to allocate his time for helping us with field calculations. Will send him drawing link to F10050646.
Matt will work with Brian to learn the software and calculations
Matt's update:
Frame is being machined, still in the process of drilling the holes
Shims for brazing are done. Need to be cleaned and sent to the vendor. Will communicate with WESGO to give them heads up. Made 225 shims.
Crimping fixture will start machining today
Wanda Newby will be ready to assist us on Thursday, hope we’ll receive the fixture by then.
Dowel pins were given to Greg Bulat to drill holes. He resorted to SST instead of alloy steel and will make 200 of them. That work has not been done yet. We do have 5 dowel pins with holes in them
Springs are expected soon, December 4 is the promised date.
News from Fabrication & Technology Show in Chicago:
Hiwin is a local (Elgin) motion control company. Can make a moving table on the granite table to measure frame and foil flatness. Matt will get a price estimate from them to have an idea about cost.
There is a 3D printing company (Minnesota) that can be used for the small spring testing mock-up or the small prototype frame fabrication. Matt will get a price estimate making a frame with a 3D printer. ( in the range of $9K+ )
Chinese booth: foil technologies, wondered about W/25Re foils. Unfortunately they weren’t able to communicate in good English!
TWI: consultance company – from your needs offer to figure out optimal technology for welding (e.g. ceramic to metals) and advise. $150/person for individuals, $5000/organization.
General question: How the system records completion of the PRs?
Dave's update:
F10050646 is 60 mm vertical aperture frame assembly
Brian will change length of angled piece of clearing electrode during analysis.
Opening of jaws is 40.6 mm
Matt’s comment: Denton was worried about sparking around the edges of baffles
Cathode width is 2-1/4" and 1-5/8" of the flat
Vladimir: spec has 10 mm gap between cathode and foil
Vladimir: spec says HVmax=150 KV, this is requirement to the infrastructure (FT, cables, etc.). In real life HV will be limited by the beam conditions or the foil plane deflection
Want to have termination resistor at end of cable inside the feedthru less than 50 ohms due to its size. (Post note from VN: CERN recommends 100 Ohms buffer resistor, if space allows that)
He will be getting a price quote on the spring. Vladimir told Dave to go ahead and order the springs immediately.
Drawings with the single spring should be done this week. The model is done but the detail drawings need to be completed. Then Dave will send them to Greg Bulat. This will be done this week.
Mike's update:
Updated the model with larger curvature space for the cantilevered spring.
Same tension spring as for cantilevered prototype as for double spring prototype
Matt wants to try different wires with different radii on a small curved mock up, he is worried spring may plastically deform
Matt will try to do this on a 3D printer
Baffle in the prototype will be a different location than large scale prototype. Can slide into a grove in the endplate in the real septum. Right now we do not have the endplates for the small scale prototypes, the design is different.
Need baffles in the small prototype to see if they interfere with the retracted foil.
Matt wants to hold off with fabrication of the cantilevered prototype until the yield test is done with the retraction springs. Springs have been just ordered yesterday. Not clear what is the lead time on delivery.
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