The 26th LARP Hi Lumi collaboration meeting will be held in the Kavli Auditorium located just to the west of the recently constructed SLAC User Support Building that now dominates the main entrance to SLAC.
The meeting will follow the traditional collaboration meeting format. There will be plenary presentations on Wednesday May 18, including talks by potential new Toohig Fellow finalist candidates. Parallel sessions are foreseen for Thursday May 19 and a final plenary session on Friday morning May 20.
On the afternoon of May 20 interested parties will stay to discuss and develop a proposal for a continued LHC Accelerator Research program that would, if funded, be executed in parallel with the US LHC Hi Lumi Upgrade Project.
A final agenda is now available.
A no-host dinner has been organized for Wednesday evening. See the "Collaboration Dinner" link for more details. Please sign up for this dinner when you register.
Requested elements of this presentation:
-specific inputs for US deliverables: Field Quality requirements, Magnet alignment requirements, etc.
-experience from LHC operation (e.g. operation with pushed optics, observations of cold mass vibrations on the beam, instabilities, and e-cloud)
-very brief update on the status of the LHC
DrMassimo Giovannozzi
10:55 AM
11:30 AM
WP3 Status and Latest Achievements35m
DrEzio Todesco
11:30 AM
12:00 PM
Collimation System Status and Plans30m
Including the Hollow Electron Beam Collimation proposal, test results of the Rotatable Collimator in the SPS and plans for the HRMT21 test.
Timescale of LARP contributions to Energy Doubler20m
Giorgio Ambrosio
6:00 PM
7:30 PM
ReceptionKavli Courtyard
Kavli Courtyard
Lia Merminga and SLAC cordially invite you to continue discussing how to promote and formulate the next generation of LHC related acclerator R&D while enjoying light snacks and adult beverages in the courtyard of the Kavli Building.