25–27 Oct 2016
Wilson Hall
US/Central timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

The Workshop provides a periodic forum for research laboratories and industry to present and discuss experience and current technological advancements of cryogenic systems in the support to the physics research community. The Workshop is intended to address general engineering, safety and operational management issues or system specific operational experience.

Please contribute materials on the following topics:
General Operations Issues:
  • Remote operation centers
  • Operational support by industry
  • Contamination
and oil carry-over
  • Instrumentation and controls
  • Helium usage, losses, recovery
  • Maintainability and reliability
  • Safety
Systems Operational Experience:
  • Liquid Argon
  • Magnets
  • SRF

Abstracts must be received by Friday, July 15, 2016. All abstracts, not to exceed half a page, are to be submitted via online abstract submission site.

Abstracts should include:
  • Title
  • Background
  • Brief description of the undertaking/best practice or system underoperation
  • Outcome achieved, experience accumulated, issues resolved
  • Conclusion
The Program Committee will finalize the Workshop program by September 2016. For each accepted abstract, the Program Committee will assign the time and date of presentation on the Workshop schedule. The Program Committee reserves the right to accept abstracts as oral or poster presentations. If your abstract is accepted for presentation, you will be notified by email on or around September 16, 2016 of your presentation date and time. After submission of the abstract, a confirmation email will be sent to the abstract submitter.
In order to receive confirmation, please ensure that emails from CryoOpsWorkshop@fnal.gov are not marked as spam by your e-mail provider.
The call for abstracts is closed.