25–27 Oct 2016
Wilson Hall
US/Central timezone


Poster Session III

27 Oct 2016, 13:00
One West (Wilson Hall)

One West

Wilson Hall

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Mr Jae Hee Shin (Institute for Basic Science)
27/10/2016, 13:00
Poster #: 21
Mr Sungwoon Yoon (Institute for basic science)
27/10/2016, 13:00
Poster #: 18
Dr Li Wang (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS))
27/10/2016, 13:00
Poster #: 20
Mr Rajendran Menon (Bhabha Atomic Research centre)
27/10/2016, 13:00
Poster #: 16
Dr Chris Regier (Canadian Light Source Inc.)
27/10/2016, 13:00
Poster #: 19
Building timetable...