Mark Ross-Lonergan
(IPPP Durham University)
In this talk, we discuss the potential for the Short Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program at Fermilab to constrain non-unitarity in the neutrino sector. Unitarity is a necessary assumption for working in the three neutrino paradigm, but lacks many rigorous bounds, as sensitivity to non-unitarity requires a very detailed understanding of flux and cross-section uncertainties. We present initial results of a sensitivity study for a search of instantaneous $\nu_{e}$ appearance and $\nu_{\mu}$ disappearance at the SBN facility. We further discuss what possible improvements can be made on this in the future, in particular by utilising the high-statistics sample of neutral-current neutrino interactions available at SBND.
Primary authors
Georgia Karagiorgi
(University of Manchester)
Mark Ross-Lonergan
(IPPP Durham University)