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22–23 Jun 2016
US/Central timezone


Code and performance analysis working groups

23 Jun 2016, 14:00



Code and performance analysis working groups

  • Michael Wallbank (University of Sheffield)
  • Bruce Baller (Fermilab)
  • Erica Snider (Fermilab)
  • Gianluca Petrillo (Fermilab)
  • Paul Russo (FNAL)
  • Chris Green (FNAL)
  • Kyle Knoepfel (Fermilab)
  • Marc Paterno (Fermilab)


During this session, software engineering experts will split their time between specific analyses of two codes volunteered by their authors and consulting on “self-analyses” by other attendees. The 2 specific analyses are:

Bruce Baller: TrajCluster algorithm (Ready Talk ID 886 7778) and
Michael Wallbank: BlurredCluster algorithm. (Ready talk ID 840 3921)

Please contact the workshop owners if you wish to participate in this session as an observer or to do a first pass analysis of your code with available LArSoft team members and software experts.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
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