attendance: Amir, Bernd, Maxim, John, Dario, Tom, Stu, Steve, others that I could not identify (please send me email for corrections)
next meeting: April 27th, 8 AM CDT
update from discussion with Andre, Mark, Tom
ProtoDUNEs are asking for 100M particles to get enough physics triggers: SP needs 5M, SP ?
SP: 4PB to 20PB ➜ factor 20
clarified, this is to do all physics and would be nice to have, this is not the minimum
maybe ProtoDune will have another run in 2021
Question: Do protoDUNE's computing requirements fit in reasonable resource envelopes at CERN and Fermilab?
Bernd can attach money tags to all resource types (cpu, disk, tape, services), using moderate scaling (Moore’s law is not valid anymore)
CERN request time schedule
2 deliveries scheduled for CERN per year
size of current protoDUNE request can be handled from normal purchases
1-3 PB EOS space: any time
timescale for larger purchases: 1 year lead time
10-20 PB EOS space: 1 year lead time
for having everything in place beginning of 2018, requests have to be in spring 2017
this is for CPU and DISK, tape is more flexible
The expectation was that there are infinite resources at Fermilab. Fermilab will do its share to make this project a success, but with 20 PB dat volumes this is going to be difficult within the intensity frontier computing envelope.
Clarified what happened at SC PMT: all experiments asked in sum for more resources than available, older experiments got told that their request cannot be fulfilled completely and that they have to look for opportunistic resources (for example on the OSG)
Stu will make SC PMT analysis public, show requests of all experiments
DUNE’s request for FY18:
CPU request, less than 20% of total FNAL intensity frontier request
Tape request: 10 PB of storage ➜ 25% of total FNAL intensity frontier request
discussion about funding: if independent funding is available, this would be handled like CMS (CMS is funded exclusively independently), a mode for protoDUNE would have to be found in this circumstance
Amir would like to have dollar values for Fermilab resources
General discussion in the light of significantly higher data volumes
asking for two tape copies (one Fermilab, one Castor) might be too ambitious
Cosmic data could be stored with less redundanc
could also remove zero suppression only on a part of the data
maybe rethink the trigger strategy?
could skim before processing
Technical questions:
Disk estimate for CERN: 2.5 PB is consequence of how many servers you need to sustain throughput
Bernd is more conservative, does not use 10 Gbps connection of the disk boxes
estimate 300 MB/s (1/3 of capacity) ➜ 20 servers, each server ~140 TB
Is there a document that one can refer to? ➜ this is more a case by case study
Want to compare to other experiments, Bernd will ask Castor and Eos teams
disk buffers need to be large enough to cover outage friday evening to Monday morning
transfers out, etc ➜ support on the weekend is best effort
in the last 10 years, CERN didn’t have a major issues where all buffers filled up
on the other hand, it is a limited time of data taking for test beam
model is SLA based
conclusion: this is consideration between CERN and DUNE
CVMFS master ➜ Fermilab has one, just needs to enable the osg repository on CERN machines
SL6 and SL7 issue
all CERN resources are SL6
migration plan to SL7 ➜ not clear, heavily depends on LHC experiments
neutrino platform has few hundred core cluster running SL7 ➜ no worth concentrating effort on enabling the software to run on SL7 for this
job submission and monitoring system at CERN
there are enough tools for lxbatch (LSF or condor). If you are on own VMs, you are on your own
need to put something on top of it to orchestrate production
lxbatch is grid accessible
test system
Stu and Maxim are handling test system between BNL and Fermilab as starting point
~ 6 month: have test system at CERN
CERN to Fermilab:
network paths are in place (for CMS)
just need a machine at CERN to orchestrate
Administrative questions:
Status of accounts at CERN
Tom got instructions per mail how to register for neutrino platform accounts
group volumes at CERN
AFS or EOS, majority is EOS
discussion about FUSE mounts for EOS
no interface people from DUNE at CERN yet
by the end of the week, will go out to the collaboration
nomination process, etc.
April 29th talk before collaboration
ECU will take vote
people will not be in place until May
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