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31 July 2017 to 4 August 2017
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Using the Jets-without-Jets Algorithm to Model MET in an ATLAS Level-1 Trigger Algorithm

2 Aug 2017, 14:55
Hornets Nest (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)

Hornets Nest

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Presentation Computing, Analysis Tools and Data Handling Computing, Analysis Tools, and Data Handling


Rebecca Linck (Indiana University)


The Jets-without-Jets algorithm presents a novel approach to the determination of jet observables without the need for timely jet reconstruction.  Because it relies on a set of simple sums, the algorithm is well suited to the kinds of fast real-time calculation that are required for a trigger algorithm.  Following the current data taking period, the global feature extractor (gFEX) will be incorporated into the ATLAS Level-1 calorimetry trigger system.  The capacity of the gFEX to process information from the whole calorimetry system on a single board makes it ideal for the determination of whole event quantities.  This presentation will discuss the development of a trigger algorithm that uses the Jets-without-Jets algorithm and the gFEX to model missing transverse energy (MET).

Primary author

Rebecca Linck (Indiana University)

Presentation materials