July 31, 2017 to August 4, 2017
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Pre-production and quality assurance of the Mu2e Silicon Photomultipliers

Jul 31, 2017, 6:59 PM
Reception Area (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)

Reception Area

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Poster Particle Detectors Poster Session and Reception


Mrs Raffaella Donghia (LNF - INFN)


The Mu2e calorimeter is composed by two disks of 1348 un-doped parallelepiped CsI crystals of 34x34x200 mm^3 dimension, each one readout by two large area SiPM arrays. We translated the calorimeter requirements in a series of technical specifications for the SiPMs that are summarized by the following list: - high gain, above 10^6, for each monolithic (6x6) mm^2 SiPM cell; - good photon detection efficiency, PDE, of above 20% at 310 nm to well match the light emitted by the un-doped CsI crystals; - large active area that, in combination with the PDE, could provide a light yield of above 20 p.e./MeV; - fast rise time and a narrow signal width to improve time resolution and pileup rejection; - Mean to Time Failure (MTTF) of O(10$^6$) hours; - good resilience to neutrons for a total fluency up to 10^12 n(1 MeV-eq)/cm^2. A modular and custom SiPM layout has been chosen to satisfy these requirements. A pre-production of 150 Mu2e SiPMs has been procured by three international firms (Hamamatsu, Sensl and Advansid). A detailed quality assurance, QA, has been carried out on each SiPM. A summary of the techniques used and of the QA characterization of the sensors will be shown.

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