Mihai Horoi
(Central Michigan University)
Neutrinoless double-beta decay, if observed, would signal physics beyond the
Standard Model (BSM). In particular, neutrinoless double-beta decay offers the possibility to test BSM theories that predict that neutrinos are Majorana fermions and that the lepton number conservation is violated. We investigate the contribution of possible extensions to the Standard Model Lagrangian that could contribute to the neutrinoless double beta process, and we establish limits on the associated couplings. From these limits we extract limits on the energy scales for different terms contributing to the BSM effective Lagrangian, and we compare with those extracted from other data.
Support from U.S. NSF grant PHY-1404442 and DOE grants DE-SC0008529 and DE-SC0015376 is acknowledged.
Primary author
Mihai Horoi
(Central Michigan University)