Paul Moch
(Theoretische Physik 1, University of Siegen)
Combining Pati-Salam (PS) and flavour symmetries in a renormalisable setup,
we devise a scenario which produces realistic masses for the charged
leptons. Flavour-symmetry breaking scalar fields in the adjoint
representations of the PS gauge group are responsible for generating different
flavour structures for up- and down-type quarks as well as for leptons.
The model is characterised by new heavy fermions which mix with the Standard
Model quarks and leptons. In particular, the partners for the third fermion
generation induce sizeable sources of flavour violation. Focusing on the
charged-lepton sector, we scrutinise the model with respect to its
implications for lepton-flavour violating processes such as $\mu \rightarrow
e\gamma$, $\mu\rightarrow 3e$ and muon conversion in nuclei.
Primary authors
Christof Luhn
(Theoretische Physik 1, University of Siegen)
Paul Moch
(Theoretische Physik 1, University of Siegen)
Thorsten Feldmann
(Theoretische Physik 1, University of Siegen)