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31 July 2017 to 4 August 2017
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Status of Two-Higgs-doublet model with LHC 13 TeV data

Not scheduled
Ramsey Auditorium (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)

Ramsey Auditorium

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Kirk Road & Pine Street Batavia, IL 60510-5011
Presentation Higgs and EWSB


Dr Debtosh Chowdhury (INFN, Rome)


The Two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM) is one of the most studied extensions of the Standard Model. But just as the other popular "New Physics" models, it gets more and more constrained by recent experimental progress, especially by the LHC data. For all four 2HDM types with a softly broken Z2 symmetry, we present updated results of global analyses obtained with the open-source HEPfit code. We emphasize the impact of the LHC run II data.

Primary author

Dr Debtosh Chowdhury (INFN, Rome)


Mr Ayan Paul (INFN, Sezione di Roma) Prof. Enrico Franco (INFN, Rome) Luca Silvestrini (INFN, Rome) Prof. Marco Ciuchini (INFN,Rome3) Dr Otto Eberhardt (IFIC, Valencia)

Presentation materials

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