Aleena Rafique
(Kansas State University)
MicroBooNE is a liquid argon Time Projection Chamber experiment situated on the Booster Neutrino Beam at Fermilab that is designed to probe neutrino interactions, investigate non-standard neutrino oscillations, and further develop the LArTPC detector technology. In this talk, we compare the observed charged particle multiplicity distribution, which is produced via neutrino charged current interactions in the visible phase-space to predictions of this distribution from current generator models. The data used in this analysis were collected in 2015-2016 by MicroBooNE detector. The analysis employs a fully automatic event selection and charged particle track reconstruction and uses a novel data-driven technique to separate neutrino interactions from cosmic-induced backgrounds.
Primary authors
Aleena Rafique
(Kansas State University)
Tim Bolton
(Kansas State University)