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31 July 2017 to 4 August 2017
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Silicon and Germanium Ionization Yield Measurements with Neutron Beams

31 Jul 2017, 19:14
Reception Area (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)

Reception Area

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Poster Dark Matter Poster Session and Reception


Ziqing Hong (Northwestern University)


SuperCDMS SNOLab is using low energy threshold Si/Ge detectors for dark matter direct searches. One mode of operation for the experiment runs detectors in a high-voltage-biased mode, to use Neganov-Luke Amplification. Understanding the ionization yield of low-energy nuclear recoils is essential for interpreting dark matter search data taken in this mode. We present two calibration experiments designed to measure the ionization yield with the CDMS-style detectors in monoenergetic neutron beams. One experiment is performed with an Adiabatic-Demagnetization Refrigerator at the TUNL facility, and the other one with a Dilution Refrigerator in the NEXUS@FNAL facility with a DD neutron generator. In this poster, we show the experimental setups and simulation results of this calibration program.

Primary author

Ziqing Hong (Northwestern University)

Presentation materials

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