vitaly yakimenko
FACET-II (Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests) will be
a unique R&D facility for experimental beam physics using one kilometer of the
SLAC linac. It is a follow-on facility to continue the research programs carried out
at FFTB and FACET. While operating as a National User Facility, FACET
simultaneously executed a multi-year program to help assess Plasma Wakefield
Acceleration (PWFA) as a technology for future accelerators. FACET-II will
provide a major upgrade over FACET capabilities and support a much broader
research program. The FACET-II beam can also enable research
where extremely strong fields are generated by tightly compressed electron
beams. An individual bunch of electrons at FACET-II will have 35 joules of stored
energy with possibility to be compressed to ~2fs duration and focused to ~100nm
transversely – while operating at 30Hz. For a several research directions, this is
similar to a 10PW laser beam reaching a peak intensity of 4.1025 W/cm2. The
differences between the interactions of FACET-II’s intense electron bunches and
10PW laser beam open exciting opportunities for complementary research.
Primary author
vitaly yakimenko