Hour 1: Introduction to the MicroBooNe Detector for detecting Neutrinos and their properties, together with the VENU application for exploring the detector and data using Virtual Reality. https://github.com/bcarls/VENu and what stimluated this http://virtualreality.duke.edu/project/super-kave/ Hour 1 in parallel and Hour 2: Continuing to try to write small Python programs and go down the road to learn something about the programming language and use it (in groups). Hour 3: Review the pretest input and answers for I2U2. http://i2u2.org (OpenCosmics - https://github.com/OpenCosmics and https://webfest.web.cern.ch/content/open-cosmics-cosmic-ray-physics-everyone ) Teaching Assistants: Nate Knauf. Thomas Hein