17–18 Jun 2016
Saieh Hall of Economics
US/Central timezone

Contribution List

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Dr Pushpalatha Bhat (Fermilab)
17/06/2016, 08:30
Dr Michael Greenstone (EPIC)
17/06/2016, 08:35
Dr Peter Littlewood (ANL)
17/06/2016, 08:40
Dr George Crabtree (ANL, UIC)
18/06/2016, 08:30
Dr Said Al-Hallaj (AllCell/UIC)
18/06/2016, 09:22
Dr Steve Cicala (School of Economics, UChicago)
18/06/2016, 14:22
Dr Robert Knapp (Evergreen State College)
18/06/2016, 15:45
Dr Pushpalatha Bhat (Fermilab), Dr Robert Rosner (EPIC, UChicago)
18/06/2016, 17:30