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28–29 Jul 2016
Fermilab FCC
US/Central timezone
This workshop is intended to be a first assessment of how DUNE will store, process, and analyze data on Fermilab and GRID resources. The primary focus will be on understanding the requirements for protoDUNE, which will likely include seamless integration of Fermilab resources with CERN, GRID, and possibly HPC and opportunistic resources. The first session will begin with overviews of ATLAS and CMS Workflow and Data management systems, representing a potential model for protoDUNE, then continue to overviews of running Intensity Frontier experiments MicroBooNE and Nova, representing current users of Fermilab's FabrIc for Frontier Experiments (FIFE) project, and end with future plans for FIFE. The Thursday Afternoon and Friday Morning sessions will primarily focus on the required capabilities of WMS and DDM. These sessions will be an opportunity for DUNE to better understand the design and features of various components of available systems. Topics will include: task, event, and job book-keeping, task and job submission, workflow management, job splitting, resource provisioning, and resource, task, and job monitoring. Participants are encouraged to provide slides (5 or less) that relate to the discussion that can be referred to in the course of the discussion. Friday afternoon will focus on writing new, more details and technical requirements for protoDUNE. Meeting room is FCC2A. Remote connection will be available via ReadyTalk, meeting code: 9135693. The ReadyTalk phone number is 866-740-1260 and Participants should register in order to receive announcements.
Fermilab FCC