Jiyeon Han
(Pittsburgh University)
Direct information about electron neutrino initiated quasielastic
scattering will be an important input to ongoing and future long-baseline
electron neutrino appearance measurements. Minerva has performed
measurements of this process using the sub-dominant electron
neutrino 1.8% fractional beam component using its
LE NuMI beam exposure (3.5E20 P.O.T).
Constraints on rates and Q^2 dependence relative to muon neutrino
initiated quasielastic scattering in NuMI LE beam mode will be
presented. Minerva has recently completed 12E20 P.O.T of data taking in ME
Numi beam. Expected improvements in the ME beam
exposure analysis which is now underway will also be presented.
Primary author
Jiyeon Han
(Pittsburgh University)