Jeffrey Eldred
(Indiana University)
Integrable optics is an innovation in particle accelerator design that enables strong nonlinear focusing without generating parametric resonances. We consider an integrable Rapid-Cycling Synchrotron (iRCS) design for a hypothetical replacement of the Fermilab Booster. We show this iRCS is compatible with other modern features of RCS design, including long dispersion-free drifts, six-fold periodicity, acceleration without transition crossing, and chromaticity with harmonically canceling sextupoles. We use Synergia to perform high-intensity space-charge simulations of this highly nonlinear lattice and demonstrate beam stability with large betatron tune spreads. Experimental tests of the efficacy of integrable optics in controlling high-intensity beams will take place over the next several years at the Fermilab Integrable Optics Test Accelerator (IOTA) and the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER).
Primary author
Jeffrey Eldred
(Indiana University)