Agatino Musumarra
(University of Catania and LNS-INFN)
2/8/17, 3:30 PM
Contributed talk
Talk [Main Conference]
PANDORA, Plasmas for Astrophysics, Nuclear Decays Observation and Radiation for Archaeometry, is planned at Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare-Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (INFN-LNS) Italy, as a new facility based on an innovative plasma trap confining energetic plasma for performing interdisciplinary research in the fields of Nuclear Astrophysics, Astrophysics, Plasma Physics and...
Rodney Orford
(McGill University)
2/8/17, 3:45 PM
Contributed talk
Talk [Main Conference]
There is a severe lack of nuclear data, including masses, on the neutron-rich side of the valley of stability forcing $r$-process models and calculations to utilize predictive models or rely on masses obtained from extrapolation. With a number of rare isotope beam facilities turning on worldwide, there are many experiments probing the nuclear landscape further from stability than ever before....
Athanasios Psaltis
(McMaster University)
2/8/17, 4:00 PM
Contributed talk
Talk [Main Conference]
The origin of the about 35 neutron-deficient stable isotopes with mass numbers A >74, known as the *p*-nuclei, has been a longstanding puzzle in Nuclear Astrophysics. The νp-process is a candidate for the production of the light *p*-nuclei, but it presents high sensitivity to both supernova dynamics and nuclear physics [1,2]. It has been recently shown that the breakout from pp-chains through...
Xiaodong Tang
(Institute of Modern Physics, CAS)
2/8/17, 4:15 PM
Contributed talk
Talk [Main Conference]
The stellar beta-decay rate of 59Fe at typical carbon shell burning temperature is determined by taking the experimental Gamow-Teller transition strengths of the 59Fe excited states. The new rate is up to a factor of 2.5 lower than theoretical rate of Fuller-Fowler-Newman (FFN) and up to a factor of 5 higher than decay rate of Langanke and Martinez-Pinedo (LMP) in temperature region of...
Alfredo Estrade
(Central Michigan University)
2/8/17, 4:30 PM
Contributed talk
Talk [Main Conference]
A new generation of radioactive ion beam facilities are making large regions of the nuclear chart available for experimental studies, including very neutron-rich isotopes near or at the r-process path. In this talk I will review recent experiments targeting r-process isotopes performed at the Radioactive Ion Beam Factory (RIBF) in RIKEN for measurements of nuclear masses with the...