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24–26 Apr 2017
Fermilab - Wilson Hall
US/Central timezone
2017 NLDC ES&H Working Group Workshop


OIC Recommendations

25 Apr 2017, 09:00
Curia II (Fermilab - Wilson Hall)

Curia II

Fermilab - Wilson Hall

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, IL


Session Focus: Sharing response to Report, focusing on impacts and best practices

Report Summary (10 minutes)
• Mary Logue
Lab Response (10-15 min/presentation)
• Sean Whalen, Ames
• Cameron Andersen, PNNL
• Jim Floyd, LBL

Presentation materials

Cameron Anderson (PNNL), Jack Salazar (LBL), Mary Logue (Jefferson Lab), Sean Whalen (Ames)
25/04/2017, 09:00
Building timetable...