Discussion of structural simulations of the foil frame option for the MI52 ESS
present: M.Alvarez, M. Pham, V. Nagaslaev
Present MI52 geometry with wires:
L=144"=3.65m (in Mike Backfish calc-sheet it is 3.05m)
E-force used was 0.02N/wire (in our calculations 0.05N/foil - quite a discrepancy! need to x-check!)
horizontal rail deflection with E=0 Xu=0.006", Xd=0.005"; 0.001" more when E-field is on. This is consistent with Dave's old calculations and measurements
Modified frame for the foils
10 foils/inch
horizontal rail deflection with E=0 Xu=0.0065", Xd=0.0055";
Vertical deflection Yu=0.029", Yd=0.027". When tension is turned off, Yu=0.029", Yd=0.029". Effect of tension is very small. Effect of E-field is very small. Rail deflection is largely due to the gravitation.
It appears that modified frame with foils will be adequate for use in MI52 septa.
Matt now needs to proceed with the cost spreadsheet.
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