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DS@HEP 2017 - Meeting Supporters

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Alexander Himmel (FNAL), Amir Farbin, Cecile Germain, Jean-Roch Vlimant, Jim (co-chair) Kowalkowski (Fermilab), Maria (ex officio) Spiropulu, Maurizio (co-chair) Pierini (CERN), Michael Kagan, Micheal Williams, Mikael Kuusela, Yisong Yue (Caltech)
DSHEP@FNAL is the third in a series of workshops dedicated to Data Science in High Energy Physics.  The workshop brings together computer scientists, data scientists, and physicists to explore cutting edge solutions to large-scale computational problems across HEP.  We will look further into machine learning and big data solutions to problems in data analysis, pattern recognition, and model inference.
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