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ESS engineering meeting

A0 drafting room

A0 drafting room

Vladimir Nagaslaev (Fermilab)

Tuesday March 21, 2017:

 (Vladimir N., Matt Alvarez, Mike Pham, Christine Ader)

  1. Christine: discussion on the fast disconnect
    1. 1R/hr is not a new feature: MI52 had that level of activation at full intensity runs
    2. Activation for several critical elements calculated by Tony and documented
    3. Calculations need to be repeated with more realistic probe for impact to personnel.
    4. At this point we don’t know realistic conditions for personnel
    5. Tony will not be available very soon. Perhaps it could be a joint effort of VN and Tony to create this model.
    6. At this stage this is not the highest priority problem to work on, but perhaps needs a strategy to pursue
  2. Frame structural calculations
    1. Matt did runs with different boundary conditions. The one that gives 6” horizontal deflection is not a correct one.
    2. The run with more realistic BC did not converge. Need to get this done.
    3. Matt concentrated this week on E-field Poisson calculations:
  3. ES calculations: Matt worked on modeling the CE spacer field
    1. Modeled several scenarios of coupling the spacer with the metal.
    2. It seems attractive to replace the tapped holes with brazed connection to Kovar caps
    3. However, caps create field line compression as they screen ceramic underneath. Want to investigate shapes.
    4. Screws do not seem to produce too much of field compression on the outer surface, but may create local field concentration on the inner surfaces. This was not modeled in full detail: 1 thread, no counter threads in ceramic.
  4. Mike’s progress
    1. The suspension bracket is implemented in the model
    2. Wants to model the assembly fixture for the foil mounting on the frame:
      1. Pivot joint with locking joint.
  5. Vladimir started Garfield calculations.
    1. Obtained the field on the wires
    2. Can the foil strip be modeled with several wires?
    3. How to print out surface field?
    4. In communication with the author
    5. Calculations can be used to benchmark Matt’s model
  6. Meeting interrupted by time limit, need to sit down with Matt on his modeling later this week.
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