DUNE Project Management Meeting 6/12/2017 ----------------------------------------- Zoom: 534-572-111# dune-pm Present: Flavio, Dario, Ami, Jolie, Eric, Steve, Ed, Christos, Gina, Takuya, Jim, Penka, Jack, Terri Schedule/Milestone Status (Steve for Penka) May status is complete. Reports for review were sent to Joie for US Project, Eric for SP and Dario/Andre for DP. International schedule will be updated this week. ProtoDUNE-SP Construction: (Gina) APA#1 shipping box should arrive at PSL 6/23 and truck to ORD 7/6-7, arrive in Luxembourg 7/14 and CERN 7/17. New CR boards should arrive in time to be installed at PSL. Poor QC on some welds for frames of APA#2-3. Will be rewelded by FNAL welder. APA, CPA and DSS analysis for CERN safety almost ready. FE ASICs have passed warm test, awiting MSU stand for cold test. P1 ADC chips expected this week. Photon detectors expect to ship to CERN 6/19. DSS parts are all ordered (some arrived), will be shipped to CERN and Dan will go to oversee assembly in early July. 35-ton will have breathable air this week and prep for phase-2 will start. Terri and Linda preped at CERN for grounding and shielding last week. ProtoDUNE-SP Onsite: (Christos) By mid-July: Cryostat complete and leak checked, clean room installed (but not clean), Cold box installed (flanges and insulation by end of July, commissioned with 2 thermal cycles by early August). DSS installation planned for 2nd half of July. CE planned for August 7. By mid-June, clean room will be complete (SAS, doors, monitors and partition). Good progress on computer/network installation in barracks, DAQ soon. Christos and Gina working on installation procedures and IMPACT with Letizia. Clean room partition will allow DSS installation and cryostat cleaning, while cold box and APA prpe continue in clean environment. APA#1 hanging on clean room rails around July 19. Are there more lessons learned from 3x1x1 to be applied to ProtoDUNE? - essentailly all are believed to have been applied. Is APA#1 handling/testing plan worked out? - Diamanto will follow APA handling. Dual-phase: (Dario) 3x1x1 cryostat is stable under vacuum (500mb) for a week. Heat input has dropped from 4.5kW to 2.5kW (expected 1.5kW). GTT will attempt to inject foam insulation around deformed insulation panels while under vacuum. 6x6x6 materials in Building 185 clean room this week. Network installed at EHN1. FD Report: (Jim) Continued progress on APA cabling routing, will test new concepts this week. Envelope model (scaled from ProtoDUNE) has been checked and will be used for roof penetrations. Other: Reviews: PRR at ANL end of June. ALl other report posted on review pages. Next meeting is 19 June, 8am CDT Meeting ended at 8:45 CDT