DUNE Project Management Meeting 6/19/2017 ----------------------------------------- Zoom: 534-572-111# dune-pm Present: Ami, Jolie, Steve, Gina, Takuya, Jim, Penka, Terri Schedule/Milestone Status (Penka) International schedule was updated (no Dual Phase update yet). A US change request will be made this week to respond to the US FY18 budget proposal. ProtoDUNE-SP Construction: (Gina) FNAL welder repaired APA#2-3 frames at PSL. CR boards should be installed before shipment of APA#1. P1 ADC ASICs being tested. Cold test stand from MSU to arrive at BNL Monday. Photon detectors on track for mid-July shipment. APA and CPA structural analyses submitted to HSE. DSS analysis to be submitted this week. ProtoDUNE-SP Onsite: No report due to travel conflicts. Dual-phase: (Dario) 3x1x1 cryostat is stable under vacuum. Last Thursday some tracks were recorded and electrolumenesent light from drift electron extraction into the gas was observed. Yield over ~full drift implies pretty good purity. Vacuum was broken on Friday for more work. 6x6x6 clean room is available and CRP parts should be arriving. FD Report: (Jim) Technote on calibration was drafted. Plan for a workshop in a couple of months. Installation envelope for SP developed. Will work on DP later. Next meeting is 30 June, 8am CDT Meeting ended at 8:25 CDT