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2018 High Power Targetry Workshop

Frederique Pellemoine (Michigan State University - Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
    • Monday Morning Announcements
    • 1
      Welcome Talk
      Speaker: Prof. Thomas Glasmacher
    • 2
      High Power Targetry at FRIB
      Speaker: Dr Frederique Pellemoine (Michigan State University - Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
    • Session 1-R&D to Support Concepts: C. Barbier / B. Riemer
      • 3
        Optimization of the LBNF Neutrino Beam
        The Long Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) will use high energy protons impinging on a graphite target to produce kaons and pions, which will be focused by a set of magnetized focusing horns and directed into a decay pipe where they will decay, producing an intense neutrino beam. The neutrino energy spectrum can be tuned by changing a variety of parameters in the beamline such as horn and target shapes. Recent advances in computing power coupled with the development of complex optimization algorithms enable identification of parameters that are precisely tuned to optimize physics parameter sensitivity. An optimization of the LBNF beam parameters for sensitivity to CP violation has been performed. The resulting beam design and its physics performance will be discussed, as well as engineering modifications to that design and re-optimization incorporating these engineering constraints.
        Speaker: Laura Fields
      • 4
        Beam Dump Facility target: design status, beam tests in 2018 and material studies 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        The Beam Dump Facility (BDF) Project, currently in its design phase, is a proposed general-purpose fixed target facility at CERN, dedicated to the Search for Hidden Particles (SHiP) experiment in its initial phase. At the core of the installation resides the target/dump assembly, whose aim is to fully absorb the high intensity 400 GeV/c SPS beam and produce charmed mesons for the SHiP experiment. In addition to high thermo-mechanical loads generated by the pulsed beam, the most challenging aspects of the proposed installation reside in very high energy and power density deposition that are reached during operation. In addition, 320 kW are deposited in the target/dump assembly. In order to validate the design of the BDF target, a scaled prototype is going to be tested during 2018 in the North Area at CERN, upstream the existing beryllium primary targets, with an expected deposited power of 20 kW. The prototype testing under representative beam scenarios will permit an insight of the material response in an unprecedented regime. Online monitoring and an extensive Post Irradiation Experimental (PIE) campaign are foreseen. A complementary extensive material R&D is carried out in parallel, dedicated to the study of cladded refractory metal targets, and focusing mainly in the performance of the bonding between the cladding and core materials. The current contribution will detail the design of the BDF target/dump core and the design and construction of the prototype target assembly, as well as the ongoing R&D studies on cladded targets, including an insight of radiation damage effects.
        Speaker: Mr Edmundo Lopez Sola (CERN)
    • 10:50 AM
      Coffee Break 1300 FRIB Lobby

      1300 FRIB Lobby

    • Session 1-R&D to Support Concepts: C. Barbier / B. Riemer
      • 5
        RaDIATE thermal shock experiments at CERN’s HiRadMat facility 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        With increasing beam intensities of future accelerator facilities, it is critical to understand the thermal shock response of conventional and novel materials used as accelerator beam windows and secondary particle production targets in order to successfully design and operate these components. As a result, experiments initiated by the RaDIATE collaboration, have been carried out and are being designed at CERN’s HiRadMat facility where single-shot high intensity proton beams probe and investigate the thermal shock response and limit of relevant materials. The BeGrid (HRMT24) experiment, composed of various grades of beryllium specimens and exposed to varying beam intensities, was successfully executed in 2015. Results from the BeGrid Post-Irradiation-Examination (PIE) work and numerical simulation benchmarking efforts will be presented in this talk. In addition, an update on the upcoming BeGrid2 (HRMT43) experiment will be provided. The BeGrid2 experiment will be carried out later this year and will comprise of conventional accelerator materials as well as novel electro-spun nano-fiber materials. The difference in thermal shock response of non-irradiated and previously irradiated specimens will be investigated, as well as real-time measurements of beam-induced dynamic stresses.
        Speaker: Dr Kavin Ammigan (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
      • 6
        Research of Materials in Target Environment at European Spallation Source 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        The ESS Target Station consists mainly of proton beam intercepting systems and other components exposed to high intensity radiation. The functionalities of these systems degrade with accumulated radiation damage in the constituent materials. It is important to have a clear understanding of properties of irradiated materials in making the materials selections and the operations and maintenance plan of the facility. At the European Spallation Source (ESS), a number of research projects on irradiated materials are undergoing. The research program includes post irradiation examination (PIE) of tungsten as spallation material, PIE of aluminum alloys as proton beam window material, characterization of beryllium as reflector material, in-beam characterization of chromium doped alumina as luminescent coating material, chemical kinetics of selected catalyzers for ortho-to-para hydrogen conversion, and PIE of radiation resistant elastomer and lubricants. A number of irradiation campaign and PIE activities are in progress, in collaboration. In this presentation, current status of the materials research projects is reported. Furthermore, a prospect of future materials research in the target environments at ESS is presented.
        Speaker: Dr Yong Joong Lee (ESS)
      • 7
        A first integrated CERN-ISOLDE spallation source operated at 2000°C with GW instantaneous beam power for isotope production 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        Neutron-rich fission fragments are readily available at CERN-ISOLDE. However, if produced by direct irradiation (1.4GeV - 2μA pulsed protons) of a uranium carbide (UCx) target, the desired isotopes come with very high isobaric neutron-deficient fission fragments. Instead, irradiating a W spallation source, the neutrons produced irradiate the target producing high purity neutron-rich fission fragments. However, scattered protons from the W hit the target producing impurities, and a small solid angle intercepting the target causes a reduced beam intensity. A converter design optimization has been proposed before and a simplified version has been tested[1], where in both current and tested prototype designs, the converter is positioned just below the target. A solution where the converter is positioned inside of the target is, for the first time, being studied in a collaboration with SCK-CEN and TRIUMF. This solution presents the advantage of using the full solid angle of the emitted neutrons, and have the highest possible neutron flux by being in close proximity with the UCx target. However, challenges arise from the coupling of the converter and heating of the target, nominally operated at 2000°C or higher. A much larger target oven/heat screens are as well needed as well as chemical stability of the full assembly at 2000°C. Furthermore, from the pulsed proton beam, up to 700W (2.8kW - 1.2GW instantaneous power) are deposited in the target, while submitting the W to severe thermo-mechanical stresses. Since the W converter sits inside of the target oven, it acts as an internal heat source which needs to be compensated to avoid target degradation and promote isotope release. This concept will be designed to accommodate also the ISOLDE upgrade to 2GeV - 6μA. [1] A. Gottberg, et al., NIMB 336 (2014) 143–148.
        Speaker: Dr J.P. Ramos (CERN)
    • 12:20 PM
      Lunch Break
    • Session 1-R&D to Support Concepts: C. Barbier / B. Riemer
      • 8
        Tungsten Oxidation AeroSol Transport (TOAST) Experiments 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        The TOAST experiments were performed to investigate how much tungsten becomes airborne by tungsten oxidation at temperatures up to above 1400 C. The mass fraction of the oxidised amount that is airborne after passage through the system, was measured to be up to 50% . In these experiments, large tungsten blocks of 0.25 - 0.5 kg are oxidised, compared to the smaller filaments or rods such as used in other tungsten oxidation experiments described in the references. The blocks are inductively heated in a controlled air flow with speeds of the order of 1 m/s. Then the oxide laden flow is led through an about 4 m long system of 1.5 inch stainless piping, which has similarities with a possible escape path from a high power spallation target. The piping has vertical and horizontal sections as well as several bends, in order to promote and study aerosol deposition by different phenomena. A HEPA filter is placed at the end of the system. The blocks and the filter are weighed before and after the tests in order to calculate the release fraction. Several other variables are measured in the tests, such as block and air temperature and wall deposition. The aerosols are measured with an impactor at the end of the system and by a Fast Aerosol Mobility Size Spectrometer at two extraction points in the system. Transmission Electron Microscopy is also used to study the generated particles. The purpose of the tests is to simulate bulk conditions, i.e. full size and flow, hence the large blocks. The conditions are intended to be realistic for highly improbable accident events in neutron spallation targets, i.e. events were the beam is continuously on and no safety systems or confinements are functional.
        Speaker: Dr Per Nilsson (European Spallation Source)
      • 9
        Measurements of Target Strain Mitigation by Gas Injection 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        Strain measurements were taken at multiple locations on the SNS stainless-steel. mercury filled target with and without gas injection at beam pulse energies up to 23.3 kJ. The strain was also measured as a function of the gas injection rate.
        Speaker: Dr Willem Blokland (ORNL)
    • Session 2-Radiation Damage in Target Material and Related Simulations: P. Hurh / F. Pellemoine
      • 10
        IAEA Activities in Support of the Accelerator Based Simulation and Modelling of Radiation Damage Effects
        Promotion of nuclear applications for peaceful purposes and related capacity building is among the missions of the IAEA. In this context, accelerator applications and nuclear instrumentation is one of the thematic areas, where the IAEA supports its Member States in strengthening their capabilities to adopt and benefit from the usage of accelerators. A number of activities are being implemented focusing on accelerator based research and applications in multiple disciplines, facilitating access to accelerator facilities for the countries without such capabilities, and also development and capacity building in associated nuclear instrumentation. Specifically, under the topical area of this workshop “Radiation Damage in Target Material and Related Simulations”, some results will be reported on ion beam irradiation as a promising technique capable of emulating the effects of radiation damage in fission and fusion reactors, and therefore as a possible rapid screening technique prior to in-core testing. (for an extended abstract please see attached file)
        Speaker: Dr Danas Ridikas (IAEA)
      • 11
        FRIB Radiation Studies: Damage, Component Lifetimes, Hands-on Accessibility 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), a project supported by the US DOE Office of Science, is in the final stage of construction at Michigan State University. The project will use projectile fragmentation and induced in-flight fission of heavy ion beams at energies of 200 MeV/u and higher, and at a beam power of up to 400 kW, to produce rare isotope beams for nuclear physics experiments. This work is focused on the target and beam dump modules located in the FRIB target hall. About 25% of the total beam power is absorbed by the target, creating high radiation environment. Another 75% of the beam is dissipated in the beam dump. We use radiologically bounding beams to estimate target graphite disk and titanium alloy beam dump drum radiation damage, and discuss their lifetimes. We calculate absorbed doses in target module and beam dump module parts and estimate component lifetimes. Radiation-tolerant materials will be used in the locations where high radiation occurs. We analyze hands-on accessibility to the top parts of the modules where utilities will be connected and disconnected. Further scenarios of the target module and beam dump evolution (removal, movement, repair, storage, and disposal) are briefly discussed. This material is based on work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science under Cooperative Agreement DE-SC0000661, the State of Michigan and Michigan State University. Michigan State University designs and establishes FRIB as a DOE Office of Science National User Facility in support of the mission of the Office of Nuclear Physics.
        Speaker: Dr Dali Georgobiani (FRIB/MSU)
    • 3:20 PM
      Coffee Break 1300 FRIB Lobby

      1300 FRIB Lobby

    • Session 2-Radiation Damage in Target Material and Related Simulations: P. Hurh / F. Pellemoine
      • 12
        Investigation of radiation damage effect on advanced materials under different irradiation conditions 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        This talk will summarize the irradiation tests performed on novel collimator materials. In particular, it will focus on the radiation induced microstructural changes that affect the macroscopic properties such as electrical and thermal conductivity.
        Speaker: Ms CARLOTTA ACCETTURA (Politecnico di Milano and CERN)
      • 13
        J-PARC neutrino beam-line and radiation damage studies on Titanium alloys 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        I will overview the operational status of the J-PARC neutrino beam-line since last HPTW meeting (2016), and will present upgrade prospect towards >1MW beam operation. I also present about the status and plan of radiation damage studies on Titanium alloys led by RaDIATE collaboration.
        Speaker: Dr Taku Ishida (J-PARC/KEK)
      • 14
        The Influence of High Energy Proton Irradiation on Fine-Grained Isotropic Graphite Grades: A Summary of Recent RaDIATE Results 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        Fine-grained isotopic graphite has become a material of choice for neutrino beam targets subjected to high energy, pulsed proton irradiation, such as the NuMI-NOvA beamline with 700 kW of primary beam power. Graphite has been chosen for its stability at high temperature, the physical and mechanical properties that make it particularly resilient to thermal shock conditions, and low atomic mass that helps generate a high yield of secondary particles with the desired energy spectrum for the downstream neutrino experiments. However, the physical and mechanical properties are highly affected by the irradiation conditions, impacting the expected lifetime of the target material, especially considering the higher beam powers of near-future neutrino beamlines, such as the LBNF-DUNE beamline with up to 2.4 MW of primary beam power. Selected results of radiation damage studies on graphite conducted by RaDIATE researchers over the past decade will be presented. Significant changes in physical and mechanical properties (e.g. 60-80% increase in elastic modulus) and lattice swelling are reported and shown to be highly irradiation temperature dependent. The results, especially lattice swelling, are shown to be very similar to those from reactor based irradiations. These results indicate that data from previous reactor low-energy neutron irradiation studies can be correlated to the high-energy proton irradiation regime, as well as quantitatively reinforce the conclusion that correct selection of the operating temperature for a graphite target is critical to maximizing the target lifetime.
        Speaker: Mr Patrick Hurh (FNAL)
      • 15
        Blister formation at subcritical doses in Tungsten irradiated by MeV protons 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        Tungsten response to MeV protons irradiation has been studied experimentally, in particular with respect to bubbles and blister formation. Large, well-developed blisters are observed at 10^17protons/cm2, below the reported critical dose from kev irradiations.
        Speaker: Mrs Inbal Gavish Segev (Soreq NRC)
    • 5:30 PM
      Welcome Reception and Museum Visit
    • Tuesday Morning Announcements 1200 FRIB Building

      1200 FRIB Building

    • Session 3-Post Irradiation Examination: Y. Dai / D. McClintock
      • 16
        Techniques and Accomplishments of the Post Irradiation Examination Program at the Spallation Neutron Source
        During operation several components at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) are exposed to high energy radiation that alter mechanical and physical properties, which limits their useful lifetime. Components are also occasionally removed from service due to leaks or another failure mechanisms that prohibit reliable operation. The SNS maintains a rigorous post irradiation examination (PIE) program, and have developed a wide array of capabilities to sample and inspect irradiated components after service. Techniques developed include remote sampling of components, videoprobe inspection, remote identification of leak locations, high-resolution hotcell photography, and non-contact topography characterization. These techniques have provided invaluable information on component performance to design engineers and management, which have facilitated improved component designs and more predicable operation. This presentation will outline the PIE techniques utilized at the SNS and summarize some of the impacts the results have had on operation of the SNS.
        Speaker: Dr David McClintock (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
      • 17
        Status Update of PIE Irradiated Materials from BLIP at PNNL 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        PNNL has received three irradiated capsules; fabricated and tested a capsule opener; designed a tensile test fixture; and commissioned a new AFM. Opener installation; capsule opening and sample sorting; tensile and hardness tests are imminent with results anticipated in time for this meeting.
        Speaker: Dr Andy Casella (PNNL)
      • 18
        Post-irradiation examinations of SINQ Target-11 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        SINQ Target-11 was in operation in 2015 and 2016. It was shut-down due to an incident in June 2016, during which the pressure drop in the cooling water loop increased significantly, and meanwhile, the activity of the cooling water also increased tremendously. The evidence indicated a serious failure of the target. As this is the first severe failure since SINQ was in operation in 1997, the target has to be investigated by detailed post-irradiation examinations (PIE). The target was opened in a hot-cell next to the SINQ target station (ATEC) in June 2017. After removing the AlMg3 safety container, it was observed that lead (Pb) was melted and leaking out from the bottom of the target-block. The empty tubes in the first row of the target were broken. During extracting some target rods for PIE, it was found that the rods in the lower part of the target could not be pulled out. This implies the core of the target was broken and the Pb was melted and froze the rods in this part. The rods/tubes selected for PIE are those which could be removed from the target and which have a relatively high irradiation dose. Neutron radiography inspection was conducted to reveal the status of Pb in the rods. Afterwards, these rods/tubes were sent to PSI’s hot laboratory for detailed PIE, including: (1) Hardness measurement, (2) Metallography (with etching for viewing hydrides), (3) Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA), (4) Ring compression and tension testing, (5) Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) observations. Up to date, the first three PIE items have been done. In this presentation the available results will be shown in detail and the potential failure mechanisms will be briefly discussed.
        Speaker: Dr Yong Dai (Paul Scherrer Institute)
    • 10:20 AM
      Coffee Break 1300 FRIB Lobby

      1300 FRIB Lobby

    • Session 3-Post Irradiation Examination: Y. Dai / D. McClintock
      • 19
        Progress of specimen cutout and damage inspection for used mercury target vessel at J-PARC 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        J-PARC mercury target vessel was cut in 2017. Prior to the target cutting, cutting tests were conducted to optimize cutting conditions based on the experienced difficulties in previous cutting. Improvement in specimen cutout by remote handling and results of cavitation damage observation will be reported.
        Speaker: Dr Takashi Naoe (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
      • 20
        NOVA Medium energy target ME-1 autopsy, procedure and equipment 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        The purpose of the Medium energy target autopsy is the observation of the graphite fins. The graphite fins are major component of the target that are taking beam during operation. The target ME-1 is cooled down more than one year, but is still high radioactive. The target is delivered to the C-0 Remote Handling facility and placed on the stands inside the work cell by crane and aligned with the fixture. The work cell is equipped with manipulators, lead glass window and video cameras. The fixture has the high torque power tool that is used for a removing the target downstream end flange. The cart with video cameras is inserted into the opened target canister by manipulator and traveling there observing target fins. The video is translated to the video center located outside of the work cell.
        Speaker: Mr Vladimir Sidorov (Fermilab)
      • 21
        Thermal diffusivity of proton and spallation neutron irradiated tungsten 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        Thermal properties of pure tungsten, irradiated in the Swiss neutron spallation source at the Paul Scherrer Institut, have been studied in the temperature range 25-500 °C. Disk-shaped specimens were prepared from a tungsten sheet which was irradiated with approximately 550 MeV protons. The specimens tested in this work received total damages of maximum 3.9 and 5.8 dpa at average irradiation temperatures of 115 and 140 °C, respectively. The thermal diffusivity of the irradiated tungsten was measured using the conventional flash method. For both specimens, the results show a significant decrease in thermal diffusivity after irradiation; attaining a value of around 35 mm^2/s throughout the test temperature range. Relative to unirradiated tungsten, the irradiated samples show thermal diffusivity values which are 28-51% lower, depending on temperature. Annealing of the irradiated specimen at 1000 °C for 1 h resulted in a slight recovery of thermal diffusivity. In addition, thermal conductivity values were calculated from the observed thermal diffusivity data. The effect of decreasing thermal conductivity on the of dynamic thermal stress in the target of the European Spallation Source has also been studied.
        Speaker: Jemila Habainy (European Spallation Source ERIC)
      • 11:50 AM
        Session 3 discussion / buffer

        20 minute buffer

    • 12:10 PM
      Lunch Break
    • Session 4-Target Design, Analysis, Validation of Concepts: M. Calviani / C. Densham
      • 22
        Operation of and Upgrade Plans for the LANSCE Pulsed Neutron Sources
        The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center operates two pulsed neutron sources: the Lujan Center and the Weapons Neutron Research (WNR) facility. Both are driven by 800-MeV LANSCE proton linear accelerator. The Lujan Center delivers moderated neutrons to seven flight paths serving both nuclear science and materials science applications, while the unmoderated neutron source at WNR serves six flight paths measuring nuclear data, electronics effects testing, and fast neutron radiography. The Lujan Center target-moderator-reflector-shield (TMRS) system was last replaced in 2010 with the so-called Mark III target, and is due to be replaced in 2020 with a Mark IV target. This replacement provides an opportunity to optimize the TMRS design to the evolving missions that the Lujan Center serves. The Mark IV target design takes advantage of the Lujan Center’s two-tiered design to optimize the lower tier for cold and thermal neutron beams serving materials science instruments, and the upper tier for epithermal neutron beams serving nuclear science instruments. The Mark III target installed in 2010 was the first Lujan Center target to employ cladding around the tungsten, which is resulted in drastic reductions in radiation levels in the water cooling system. In 2014, the WNR target was inadvertently operated without active water cooling, resulting in target overheating. A follow-on management assessment of this incident determined that the flow sensor that was tied to the Run Permit system did not indicate a fault condition due to improper design.
        Speaker: Eric Pitcher (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
      • 23
        High-power converters for RIB production 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        TRIUMF is developing two target assemblies for radioisotope production based on the conversion of primary charged particle beams into neutral particle fluxes, which consequently induce fission in a uranium carbide (UCx) target. One is a proton-to-neutron converter made out of a 2 cm thick tungsten core clamped by copper brackets to dissipate up to 7.5 kW deposited by a 500 MeV, 100 uA proton beam. The high-energy isotropic neutrons will then induce cold fission in an annular UCx target material upstream of the converter. The other is an electron-to-gamma converter made out of a thin tantalum layer deposited on an aluminum backing. A 35 MeV electron beam of up to 100 kW will impinge on the tantalum surface and produce a gamma-ray flux, principally in the forward direction of a downstream UCx target. This contribution focuses on some of the design challenges resulting from the extreme conditions in terms of power density, temperature and radiation.
        Speaker: Mr Luca Egoriti (TRIUMF)
      • 24
        High power Beam dump for SARAF phase II 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility (SARAF) is based on a proton/deuteron RF superconducting linear accelerator. Phase I, has already been completed and allows acceleration of 1 mA CW, 4 MeV proton beams and low duty cycle acceleration of 5 MeV deuterons. Phase II of the project is under way and includes the development of the accelerator to its final specifications: energy of 40MeV proton/deuteron, and a current of up to 5mA. A beam dump will be required at the commissioning stage and for daily operations. The beam dump must be designed to stop a beam with a maximum power of 200 kW. To avoid radiation damage and improve heat transfer, a design concept of liquid metal target is suggested, based on our vast experience with the Lithium target at SARAF. The suggested liquid is a Ga-In-Sn metal alloy (Gallinstan) with a melting point of 10oC, designed to dissipate beam powers of 200 kW. The setup is based on a high-velocity windowless Gallium-Indium jet
        Speaker: Dr Eliyahu Ilan (Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
      • 25
        A high power density beam dump for ISOL@MYRRHA 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        Similar to other next generation RIB facilities, ISOL@MYRRHA is based on a high intensity proton beam in order to meet users’ requirements of a significant increase of isotope yields. In the first phase of the MYRRHA project, the combination of the beam intensity (0.5 mA) and energy (100 MeV), delivered by the MYRRHA linac, together with a beam spot of a few mm in radius, results in a beam dump facing heat deposition density values significantly above to those of high energy beam facilities currently in operation. In order to reduce heat deposition densities, conical- or wedge-shape beam dump concepts have been proposed and are mainly suited for beam spots larger than those foreseen at ISOL@MYRRHA. In addition, a beam expansion is not readily feasible for a beam dump placed after an ISOL target irradiated with a 100 MeV proton beam. Moreover, the beam dump would have to fit two dissimilar enveloping cases: i) a full focused beam, ii) a partially defocused beam due to interaction with the target. An innovative multiple-foil concept of beam dump design is thus proposed here. A major aspect of this concept is that it relies on radiative cooling of the dump material. A tight contact between the dump material and the cooling liquid is thus avoided so that when needed the low activity cooling circuit can be easily separated from the dump material for maintenance or end-of-life disposal. The details of the material selection will be presented, through a material comparison covering aspects like radiation hazards, material activation, heat deposition, heat removal ability and the radiation-induced production of low-solubility gases like tritium. Finally, the design optimization results obtained through investigation of gradually improved concepts will be presented, along with the current design of the dump.
        Speaker: Mr Donald HOUNGBO (SCK-CEN)
      • 26
        High Power Capability of the Primary Beam Dump Drum for FRIB – Simulation and Experimental Study 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) is presently under construction at Michigan State University. It is based on heavy ion accelerator which produces the primary ion beams from 16O to 238U with up to 400 kW power. For the rare isotope production the in-flight technique and fragment separation is used with over 300 kW of unreacted primary beam needing to be absorbed in the beam dump. The basic concept of the beam dump for FRIB assumes a rotating thin-wall drum filled with water. Flowing water is used to both cool down the wall and stop the beam penetrating this 0.5 mm thick wall made of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Under the extreme operational conditions the effects of high power density are significant and need detailed study, so the extensive thermal, mechanical and fluid flow analysis was performed taking into account the beam power deposited both in water and drum wall. It appears that an intense water cooling is required to dissipate the power deposited in the wall, which for the heaviest 238U beam can reach 70 kW. The results of tests and simulations will be discussed in this paper. This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science under Cooperative Agreement DE-SC0000661, the State of Michigan and Michigan State University.
        Speaker: Dr Mikhail Avilov (FRIB Michigan State University)
    • 3:10 PM
      Coffee Break
    • Session 4-Target Design, Analysis, Validation of Concepts: M. Calviani / C. Densham
      • 27
        Spallation Neutron Source Target Module Design Improvements
        The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory produces neutrons for scientific research by striking mercury with a short-pulse (0.7 μs) proton beam with a 60 Hz rate. The mercury material flows through a stainless-steel target vessel, which is subjected to cyclic loadings and cavitation erosion. The target vessels are consumable components, but their reliability is critical to overall SNS reliability. The SNS has operated 18 target vessels. Of those, 7 have developed mercury leaks during operation. A mercury leak results in an unexpected target end-of-life which interrupts the scheduled user program. After two targets developed leaks in 2014, a significant effort was undertaken to improve understanding of the targets and to implement new design features. These efforts are bearing fruit, as improved target designs have now been operating and more information is available for further improvements. The current state of SNS target vessel design will be presented along with recent performance data. Future designs for targets will be presented, including targets intended for use at 1.4 MW which are in various stages of fabrication and design, as well as conceptual designs for a target intended to operate at 2.0 MW. The overall multi-year operational plan for SNS target fabrication and operation will also be presented.
        Speaker: Mr Drew Winder (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
      • 28
        The LIEBE high-power target: Offline commissioning results. 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        With the aim of increasing the primary beam intensity in the next generation of Radioactive Ion Beam facilities, a major challenge is the production of targets capable of dissipating the high deposited beam power. In that context, LIEBE is a high-power target dedicated to the production of short-lived isotopes. The design consists of a loop of molten lead-bismuth eutectic, in which the deposited primary beam power is dissipated by a water-cooled heat exchanger. The circulation of the liquid metal is achieved by an electromagnetic pump coupled to the loop. Additionally, the target includes a diffusion chamber next to the irradiation chamber to promote the creation of droplets through a grid. The extraction of short-lived isotopes is then enhanced by the shorter diffusion paths of the droplets compared to the ones of a liquid bath. The LIEBE prototype is now fully assembled and before operating the target online at ISOLDE, the safety and operation conditions have to be reviewed. An offline commissioning phase has started, in which several non-conformities could be identified and solved. The flow established by the electromagnetic pump has been evaluated in a LIEBE replica, the stability of the target/pump coupling has been assessed through alignment and vibration measurements and the thermal control system has been tested. The final test will foresee the full operation of the prototype on the offline isotope separator.
        Speaker: Mr Ferran Boix Pamies (CERN)
      • 29
        The ESSnuSB Target Station 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        The ESSνSB project, recently granted by the EU H2020 programme for a 4-year design study, proposes to use the protons produced by the linac (2 GeV, 5 MW) of the European Spallation Source (ESS) currently in construction in Lund (Sweden) to deliver a neutrino super beam. It follows the studies made by the FP7 Design Study EUROν[1] (2008-2012), regarding future neutrino facilities. The primary proton beam line completing the linear accelerator will consist of one or several accumulator rings and a proton beam switchyard. The secondary beam line producing neutrinos will consist of a four-horn/target station, a decay tunnel and a beam dump. A challenging component of this project is the enormous target heat-load generated by the 5 MW proton beam. In order to reduce this heat-load there will be four targets, which will be hit in sequence by the compressed proton pulses, thereby reducing the beam power on each target to 1.25 MW. Following the EUROν studies, a packed bed of titanium spheres cooled with helium gas has become the baseline design for a Super Beam based on a 2-5 GeV proton beam with a power of up to 1 MW per target, with other targets being considered for comparison. The hadron collection will be performed by four hadron collectors (magnetic horns), one for each target. Each of these target/hadron-collector assemblies will receive proton pulses three times more frequently than in present projects, and by an average beam power of 1.25 MW, which is twice as high as in present neutrino projects. The feasibility of the target/horn station for the ESSνSB project is discussed here.
        Speaker: Dr Piotr Cupial (AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland)
      • 4:40 PM
        Session 6 discussion / buffer

        20 minute buffer

    • Poster Session and Reception
      • 30
        Targets for the SPES project and its applications: material selection and release simulations
        The SPES (Selective Production of Exotic Species) ISOL facility at INFN-LNL will produce Radioactive Ion Beams (RIBs) by impinging a multi-foil uranium carbide target with a proton beam, accelerated up to 70 MeV by a cyclotron. The produced nuclei will be employed in many fields of research, ranging from astrophysics to material science and nuclear medicine. In order to increase the RIBs availability different target materials (i.e. SiC, TiC and ZrGe) are currently under investigation with Monte Carlo simulations using different codes for both isotopes production yield (FLUKA, GEANT4) and nuclear cross section studies (TALYS). Such materials were selected taking into account both the available proton beam energies and the expected working temperature (2000°C). In addition, the release from the target of the produced isotopes is under investigation through the definition of a new custom GEANT4 Monte Carlo model. Such a model is capable of simulating the nuclide diffusion and effusion processes, allowing the estimation of the mean release time for each produced specie. This work will include yield calculations for SiC, TiC, ZrGe and uranium carbide targets and a dedicated study of the nuclear cross section for the reaction natGe(p,X)64/67Cu, a promising alternative for the production of copper nuclides of medical interest. Regarding the custom GEANT4 model some preliminary numerical results will be shown. In particular, the release of rubidium isotopes from the uranium carbide target was simulated at different working temperatures.
        Speaker: Mr Michele Ballan (INFN-LNL)
      • 31
        Fluidised Tungsten Powder Studies at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
        A test rig for fluidised tungsten powder was built at RAL. The rig demonstrates all the powder handling processes necessary for operating a future facility using this promising new target technology.
        Speaker: Mr Dan Wilcox (RAL)
      • 32
        Exploratory study for the production of Sc beams at the ISOL facility of MYRRHA
        The design of high-power targets for production of Radioactive Ion Beams (RIBs) at an Isotope Separation On-Line (ISOL) facility requires a full overview of the physical processes occurring in the target: nuclear reactions, thermal effects, isotope diffusion and effusion. Such high-power targets are nowadays a requisite as they constitute one of the means to significantly increase the yields of certain RIBs to the levels required by the users. In the first phase of the MYRRHA project, the ISOL@MYRRHA facility will make use of a high-power proton beam (100-MeV & 0.5 mA) in combination with high-power targets in order to produce high intensity RIBs of various isotopes. These high power targets require specific R&D to tackle engineering challenges like heat dissipation issues while maintaining the high isotope yields that are obtained with thick targets. For this, an algorithmic method is in development that will combine the particle transport calculations, thermo-mechanical simulations, and an isotope release model, in order to determine the optimal target design for the production of a specific isotope. In this contribution, the exploratory study for the production of Sc beams at the ISOL facility of MYRRHA will be presented. The short lived isotopes like 41Sc would be of interest for beta-decay spectroscopy while the long lived ones like 44,47Sc are useful for medical applications.
        Speaker: Mr Martin Ashford (SCK•CEN)
      • 33
        Microstructural Characterization of Proton-Irradiated Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al and SiC-Coated Graphite
        The presentation will address post-irradiation microstructural characterization of a Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al OTR foil irradiated by 30 GeV protons at the J-PARC neutrino beamline to 0.4 dpa, and SiC-coated graphite samples irradiated by 180 MeV protons at the BLIP facility to 0.05 dpa.
        Speaker: Dr David Senor (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
      • 34
        Last updates of the R&D activities for the redesign of the CERN’s AD-Target
        This study presents the last updates regarding the R&D activities for the redesign of the CERN’s Antiproton Decelerator (AD) production target, which are taking place in the context of the AD-Target area Consolidation project. These updates include the manufacturing of a first scaled prototype of the target, constituted by a sliced core of 8 mm diameter Ta rods embedded in a compressed expanded graphite (EG) matrix, and its testing under proton beam impacts at the CERN’s HiRadMat facility in 2017, within the so called HRMT-42 experiment. The experiment counted on online instrumentation recording the velocity at the target´s periphery, providing information of its dynamic response and damping properties of the EG matrix. Furthermore, x-ray and neutron topographies have been complementarily used to inspect the target after irradiation, suggesting that the EG matrix can successfully adapt to the swelling of the Ta core due to extensive plastic deformation induced by the dynamic stresses. The neutron tomography reveals the presence of voids inside the Ta core, differently from what it was observed in the previous HiRadMat experiment (HRMT-27), in which the Ta was subjected to only a few high intensity pulses. Following the guidelines drawn by this and previous experiments, the current configuration of the new AD-Target design is presented, including its pressurized air-cooled Ti-6Al-4V envelope. In addition, the PROTAD-HiRadMat experiment -foreseen in 2018- is introduced. This experiment will aim at testing six prototypes of such new design, containing different core geometries and materials configurations, as a last step for its final validation before installation in the area in 2020.
        Speaker: Dr Marco Calviani (CERN)
      • 35
        Improvised electrsopinning set up for mass producing thicker ceramic nanofiber mat for high power targets
        A compact nanofiber production unit with capability to produce variety of ceramic nanofibers using very low power output low voltage DC input inexpensive DC-DC voltage converter with dual polarity high voltage DC supply has been developed. The device is much smaller light weight and simplifier than conventional electrospinning unit. The device is much safer to use as it limits the output power to only few watts and can be operated out of a 9V battery as well as 12V DC adapter. System is a versatile unit employing syringe needled spinneret for prototype nanofiber and a customized 3d printed delivery system with spiked helical spinneret for mass production. It also produces thicker nanofiber mat using corona ionizer.
        Speaker: Dr Sujit Bidhar (FNAL)
      • 36
        HiRadMat: A Unique Facility Testing Materials with High Power Pulsed Beam
        The advancement of high power targets and accelerator components is dependent on the exploitation of irradiation facilities to assess these constituents for R&D purposes. HiRadMat (High Radiation to Materials) is an irradiation facility at CERN designed to provide material testing capabilities to a range of R&D projects using pulsed high energy, high intensity, proton and ion beams. Since its commissioning in 2011, HiRadMat has successfully delivered single pulsed proton beams to a multitude of novel experiments. The beam obtained directly from the TT60 line of the SPS, comparable to that extracted by the LHC, is at 440 GeV/c. A 1σ r.m.s. beam radius of 0.25 – 2 mm with a range of 1 to 288 protons per pulse at 1.2x10^11 protons per bunch maximum (equivalent lead/argon ion beams available) can currently be delivered. Over 30 experiments have utilised this unique environment to test not only materials, but electronic devices, detectors and optical systems. Through Transnational Access support, currently under WP10 of ARIES, financial assistance can be provided to external users enabling an increase in the use of this irradiation facility by global institutes. The future strategy of HiRadMat is currently under examination. Facility consolidations, considering the increasing experimental demands from experiments and with the upgrade to High-Luminosity LHC with up to 2.3x10^11 protons per bunch expected for LIU beams (LHC-Injector Upgrade), will be presented. Similarly, expansion into scientific areas beyond the accelerator physics community are to be discussed.
        Speaker: Dr Fiona Harden (CERN)
      • 37
        Energy deposition in Candidate Materials for the Whole-Beam Dumps for the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade
        The APS-U will generate high-brightness x-rays using small, intense, 6-GeV electron beams with transverse dimensions of 0.010-0.015 mm, rms. Full beam aborts in the APS-U storage ring will sometimes be required for machine and personnel protection. These involve removing power from the accelerating cavities, which allows the beam to spiral in until it hits a whole beam dump (WBD). Simulations with MARS show that any solid material subject to a full beam abort (720 nC, 6 GeV) will be damaged and pushed into a hydrodynamic regime (>15 MGy). As a result, the WBD must be re-positioned after each full beam abort to expose new surface. Aside from choosing the appropriate material, an understanding of how the material behaves during the beam abort is required both for personnel and machine protection. A significant change to the WBD density during a beam abort will modify its ability to absorb energy during the later stages of the loss event. As examples, we evaluate the dose in four candidate materials: aluminum, titanium alloy, copper, and tungsten. We show that static simulations coupled with simple back-of-the-envelope calculations strongly suggest the generation of shocks in high-density, high-Z materials, likely making them unsuitable for the WBD. The need to couple a hydrodynamics code with the static dose simulation is discussed.
        Speaker: Dr Jeff Dooling (Argonne National Laboratory/Advanced Photon Source)
      • 38
        Ion irradiation damage in commercially pure Titanium and Ti-6Al-4V: Characterization of the microstructure and mechanical properties
        Due to their low activation, corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties, and their commercial availability, Ti-alloys, especially the α+β alloy Ti-6Al-4V (wt%), are considered for different applications in nuclear industry. Ti-6Al-4V is also being considered as a structural material for the beam dump for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) at Michigan State University- a new generation accelerator with high power heavy ion beams. In this study, samples of commercially pure (CP) Ti and Ti-6Al-4V that were processed through two different thermomechanical processes: powder metallurgy (PM) rolled and additive manufacturing (AM) were utlilized. The as-received samples exhibited two distinctly different microstructures. The powder metallurgy (PM) rolled sample had equiaxed α-phase grains with the β-phase typically present at the grain boundaries whereas the additive-manufactured sample showed a lamellar α +β microstructure. The samples were irradiated at Notre Dame University using 4 MeV Ar ion beam at 25°C and 350°C. For the samples irradiated at RT, similar final dose of 7.3 dpa within the depth of 1 µm from the surface was obtained using two different dose rates of 0.8 dpa/h and 13.4 dpa/h. Nano-indentation measurements were carried out on the surface of the bulk samples to estimate the irradiation hardening. While CP-Ti exhibited the highest irradiation induced hardening, the nano-hardness of the additive-manufactured Ti-6Al-4V was found to be sensitive to the dose rate effect. To better understand the defect structure in the irradiated samples, 3 mm thin foils were prepared for the ongoing Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) characterization.
        Speaker: Ms AIDA Amroussia (MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY)
      • 39
        Diffusion of tritium produced in a graphite and SiC target
        Tritium is known to be generated in a target material like graphite by a nuclear reaction due to hadron beam irradiation. It is pointed out that such a tritium diffuses in the high temperature graphite exposed by a high power beam, and then evaporates to the beam line vacuum. Hence such a tritium has possibility to cause an unexpected leakage and/or contamination trouble. In a sense of radiation safety, the knowledge of tritium diffusion is essential to develop the target in high power beam facilities like J-PARC Muon Facility. As a candidate material of the first wall of nuclear fusion reactor, many studies were performed on the hydrogen isotope diffusion in graphite, although the diffusion coefficient shows the strong dependence on samples, i.e. single or poly crystal, grain size of crystal, concentration of the vacancies and so on. Such sample dependence can be explained by the tritium diffusion through the grain boundaries and trap in the vacancies. However, we are still far from the comprehensive and quantitative understanding, and this puts an uncertain risk factor to the development of the next-generation target system as well as the operation trouble at present. We are planning to perform a study of hydrogen isotope diffusion in graphite using a muon and a positron beam. A positively-charged muon injected into a material acts as a light isotope of hydrogen, and thus muon informs the microscopic behavior of the hydrogen isotope. In addition, a positron gives the information about the concentration of the hydrogen trapped in a vacancy by the change in its life time due to the enhancement of annihilation by the trapped hydrogen. We will present the details of the planned study about the hydrogen isotope diffusion in graphite and also SiC.
        Speaker: Dr Naritoshi Kawamura (KEK/J-PARC)
      • 40
        Status of large area disk target development for ISOL facility of RAON
        The compound of uranium carbide (UCx-C) target will be used for ISOL facility of RAON. However, Lanthanum de-carbide (LaC2) was used to carry out advanced research for optimal condition of fabrication instead of UCx-C because the uranium is radio-active material and lanthanum carbide has a similar properties to uranium carbide. A compound disk of lanthanum carbide (LaC2-C) of 50 mm in diameter, which lanthanum de-carbide with Multi-Wall Carbon Nano-Tube (MWCNT) was fabricated and tested. The long-term high temperature test was carried out at 1600℃, 1800℃ and 2000℃. Test duration was 20 hrs and 48 hrs respectively. The disks were analyzed in terms of weight, diameter, micro-structure, composition and density. Research and development for UCx-C based on the result of LaC2-C test is carrying out, the status will be introduced with the TIS (Target and Ion Source) system in this presentation.
        Speaker: Ms MIJOUNG JOUNG (IBS)
      • 41
        Thermal Simulations method for rotated target
        Rotating target FEA methods
        Speaker: Mr Matthieu Michel (CNRS-GANIL)
      • 42
        Design of the Future High Energy Beam Dump for the CERN SPS
        The future CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) internal dump (Target Internal Dump Vertical Graphite, known as TIDVG#5), to be installed during CERN’s Long Shutdown 2 (LS2, 2019-2020), will be required to intercept beam dumps from 14 to 450 GeV, with increased intensity and repetition rates with respect to its predecessor (TIDVG#4). The new dump will be installed at a different location in the accelerator (LSS5) as this area provides more space and hence increased flexibility for a new design (including a massive shielding) capable of coping with the upgraded beams expected after LS2. The average beam power to be managed by the dump will be as high as 236 kW (hence, almost four times higher than presently). This increased power produces new challenges in terms of design in order to fulfil the highly demanding specification, which is based on guaranteeing a good performance of the machine with little or no limitations imposed by the dump itself (to note that approximately 90% of the beam power is actually absorbed by the dump-shielding assembly). This paper presents the proposed design, including material selection, manufacturing techniques and thermo-mechanical simulations under different operational scenarios expected during the lifetime of the device.
        Speaker: Dr Antonio Perillo-Marcone (CERN)
    • Wednesday Morning Announcements
    • Session 4-Target Design, Analysis, Validation of Concepts: M. Calviani / C. Densham
      • 43
        Mark IV Upper Target Design for the Lujan Center 1L Target at LANSCE
        The Los Alamos Neutron Scattering Center target at the Lujan Center is now operating its 3rd target. This is comprised of 2 targets, the first “upper” target is a stack of Ta-clad W disks of varying thickness, the 2nd is a Ta-clad W cylinder located below. The 800 MeV proton beam strikes the upper target on the flat faces of the disks. To accommodate changing experimental needs, a new upper target has been designed that is comprised of one of the Mark III upper target disks but turned on edge, so that the proton beam strikes the curved edge. In addition, 2 cm of water moderator are incorporated on one face of this target. This target orientation, configuration and resulting beam heating profile (approximately 14 kWth on the edge of a 1.8 cm thick disk) requires a novel target housing design that ensures adequate cooling. This paper will detail the target design and supporting analysis.
        Speaker: Mr Keith Woloshun (LANL)
      • 44
        In-situ studies of phase transition related Pb transport in the SINQ target rods with use of the NEUTRA imaging instrument at PSI 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        The key element in the SINQ target of the neutron spallation source at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) is a bundle of rods fabricated from Zr-alloy tubes filled with Pb. A proton beam initiates a spallation reaction, which is accompanied with a powerful local heat release (mainly in Pb). Despite an effective convective cooling of the rods surfaces with heavy water, the temperature of Pb in some rods may rise above the Pb melting point. Our measurements of temperatures in the SINQ targets rods bundles (in Pb and in heavy water) confirm this assumption. Our laboratory experiments (in which the processes occurring in the rod are visualized by means of the NEUTRA imaging instrument in SINQ) show that the process of Pb melting – solidification is accompanied by migration of Pb inside the rods. Neutron images of some of the irradiated rods from dismantled rods bundles assemblies of decommissioned targets show a similar pattern. An initial study of phenomena is performed. Both, experiments and simulations, show, that the Pb migration can create conditions leading to mechanical stressing and plastic deformation of the Zr-alloy tubes due to internal pressure from Pb. Some aspects of stress-strain state and mass transport were simulated and findings were compared with the experiments. The paper discusses the method and results of the temperature measurements during the operation of SINQ targets; method and results of laboratory experiments aimed at studying of possible physical mechanisms of the Pb migration in the rods and of the Zr-alloy pipes stressing and plastic deformation.
        Speaker: Dr Sergejs Dementjevs (Paul Scherrer Institut)
    • 9:40 AM
      Session 4 discussion
    • 10:00 AM
      Coffee Break 1300 FRIB Lobby

      1300 FRIB Lobby

    • Session 6-Construction, Fabrication, Inspection, Quality Assurance: A. Perillo Marcone / D. Winder
      • 45
        Neutron Source Manufacturing at SNS
        The Source Development and Engineering (SDE) group at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) is responsible for all engineering aspects of neutron source components. This includes research and development, conceptual design, detailed design and analysis, manufacturing, operations support, and post irradiation examination. Within the group, a manufacturing team is dedicated to procuring the specialized source components. These components are primarily Target Modules, Inner Reflector Plugs, and Proton Beam Windows. In all cases, there are an array of specialized manufacturing processes required to complete the components, including electron beam (EB) welding, wire electron discharge machining (EDM), conventional EDM, gun drilling, and complex conventional machining. Experience has proven that these components are too complex for a hands off procurement approach. Therefore, SDE manufacturing team members are integrally involved in the development of the processes and provide extensive oversight and quality assurance through completion. This paper will describe the processes used to by the SDE manufacturing team. It will describe some of the historical challenges that the team has overcome. Finally, it will outline manufacturing plans and changes that are planned in the future.
        Speaker: Peter Rosenblad (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
      • 46
        Detailed design, prototyping activities and beam irradiation tests for the new n_TOF neutron spallation target 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        A third-generation neutron spallation target for the CERN neutron time-of-flight (n_TOF) facility is currently in the detailed design and prototyping phase. This “atypical” neutron source is subjected to short (7 ns) and high-intensity (1*1013 ppp) proton pulses, resulting in extremely high dynamical effects. Construction is foresee in 2019 and installation in 2020. The design focuses on improving reliability, increasing average and instantaneous proton intensity on target and avoiding some issues encountered in the current target, among which the contamination of cooling system water with radioactive spallation products and creep phenomena. After a preliminary design and initial prototyping stage, a design review on different design solutions took place in June 2017. A subsequent detailed design stage is ongoing for two solutions. They consist in a water-cooled Ti-6Al-4V-contained pure Pb monolithic target core as well as in a nitrogen cooled pure Pb massive slices. This contribution details the following intimately related aspects, which are critical for the success of the Project: 1. Prototyping activity carried out to optimize the cladding process between Ti-6Al-4V and Pb, in order to guarantee the required heat dissipation from the target core; 2. Robustness studies for accidental scenarios (interruption of water circulation, loss of contact at the interface between Ti-6Al-4V and Pb); 3. Design of a beam irradiation test on target prototypes in the HiRadMat facility at CERN, in order to validate the different design solutions, which will take place in August 2018.
        Speaker: Dr Marco Calviani (CERN)
      • 47
        Progress with manufacturing the first target module for ISIS TS1 Project 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        ISIS has its own Target Manufacturing Facility for making the W/Ta target plates. I will share the experience and challenges of making the first new design target plates and other main components of the TS1 Project Target. There have been some lessons learned along the way.
        Speaker: Mr Leslie Jones (ISIS Synchrotron)
      • 48
        Measuring Residual Strain after Hot Isostatic Pressing of ISIS Target Plates 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        A novel method was used to measure residual stress in tantalum-clad tungsten after manufacture via Hot Isostatic Pressing. A significant tensile tress was measured in the cladding, as predicted by FEA simulations. This will be an important consideration in the design of future spallation targets.
        Speaker: Mr Dan Wilcox (RAL)
    • 12:00 PM
      Session 6 discussion
    • 12:20 PM
      Lunch Break
    • 1:20 PM
      FRIB Tour
    • 3:00 PM
    • 3:20 PM
      Coffee Break
    • Session 5-Target Facility Challenges: T. Naoe / Y.J. Lee
      • 49
        Design of high temperature ISOL targets
        In the facilities for the production of radioactive ion beams based on the isotope separation on line (ISOL) technique, the target system is surely one of the most critical objects. Thick targets are widely used worldwide and they operate mainly in combination with high energy high intensity protons. High intensities are usually necessary to fulfill the most important target requirement, that is to produce as much isotopes as possible. In the specific case of the selective production of exotic species (SPES) facility, a uranium carbide target is impinged by a 40 MeV, 200 µA proton beam produced by a cyclotron proton driver. Under these conditions, a fission rate of approximately 10^13 fissions per second is expected. The target is composed of seven uranium carbide co-axial disks (closed inside a cylindrical graphite box), appropriately spaced in the axial direction in order to dissipate by thermal radiation the considerable amount of power deposited by the proton beam. The average working temperature is around 2000°C with the aim to enhance both the diffusion and the effusion processes for the produced isotopes. Sophisticated heating systems were adopted to satisfy the aforementioned thermal specifications, and an integrated electrical-thermal-structural design was required to obtain a reliable target system for long term operation at high temperature. In the worldwide ISOL scenario other interesting and prestigious target architectures were developed, and they are constantly updated and improved by dedicated working groups of physicists and engineers. In this work all the aforementioned points will be accurately described and commented, together with a general overview on new or recent developments for high power ISOL targets.
        Speaker: Dr Mattia Manzolaro (INFN-LNL)
      • 50
        Design and prototyping of the CERN Proton Synchrotron Internal Dump in the Framework of the LHC Injectors Upgrade Project 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        Proton Beam Dump, Copper alloy, Isostatic Graphite, Radhard Mechanism, Hot Isostatic Pressing, water cooling
        Speaker: Mr Francois-Xavier Nuiry (CERN)
      • 51
        Handling, Storage, & Disposal of Neutrino Beam Components at Fermilab 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        Continued operation of Fermilab target facilities yields a waste stream of radioactive components at the end of their usable life. These components must be removed, stored, and disposed of in an environmentally sound and legally compliant manner. Methods for achieving this at Fermilab are discussed.
        Speaker: Mr Cory Crowley (Fermi National Accelerator Lab)
      • 52
        High Power ISOL Target Remote Handling Developments at TRIUMF 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        TRIUMF maintains a high power ISOL target facility called ISAC (Isotope Separator and Accelerator), which generates about 10 waste targets per year with dose rates up to 1 Sv/h at 1 m. TRIUMF has remote handling infrastructure in place for servicing the ISAC target modules, including a hot cell and remote bridge crane. Upgrades underway include a second hot cell and a crane rotation redundancy system. These improvements will permit routine target exchanges and extended module repairs in parallel, increasing the reliability of the facility. TRIUMF is also developing a new ISOL target facility called ARIEL (Advanced Rare IsotopE Laboratory). TRIUMF will make use of modern technology and apply lessons learned from ISAC to the ARIEL remote handling facility design. Recent ARIEL developments include a maintenance and waste-processing hot cell, as well as a crane-based remote handling system for a novel target module, which is a hybrid of the CERN ISOLDE and TRIUMF ISAC systems.
        Speaker: Mr Grant Minor (TRIUMF)
    • 5:30 PM
      Session 5 discussion
    • Thursday Morning Announcements 1200 FRIB Building

      1200 FRIB Building

    • Session 5-Target Facility Challenges: T. Naoe / Y.J. Lee
      • 53
        Beam Dump Facility (BDF) at CERN radiological and environmental assessment 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        The Beam Dump Facility (BDF), currently in its design phase, is a proposed fixed target facility at CERN, dedicated to the Search for Hidden Particles (SHiP). In order to isolate possibly existing hidden particles a high-density and high-Z target is used to fully absorb the hadronic and electromagnetic particle cascade caused by the impact of a high-intensity 400 GeV/c proton beam. Due to such experimental conditions, high levels of material activation is expected. The evaluation of radiation protection hazards is a challenging aspect for the design of this facility. In particular, high prompt and residual dose rates call for considerable shielding and remote-handling interventions in the target area. Moreover, the risk of an environmental impact stemming from air, water and soil activation heavily influences the design. This paper discusses the results of a radiological study, using FLUKA MC simulations and the ActiWiz code, to assess the above-mentioned radiation protection aspects.
        Speaker: Dr Heinz Vincke (CERN)
      • 54
        Design and development of Super-FRS target area components and remote handling 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        With the Super-conducting Fragment Separator (Super-FRS) at FAIR, rare isotopes of all elements up to uranium will be produced via fission or fragmentation in flight. The primary beam is converted in a graphite wheel target and separated in the following magnetic separator. The separator is surrounded by many meters of shielding with gaps for the beam line vacuum chambers, which are connected by up to 1.2 m wide pillow seals. Inside the chambers, various devices (target, beam diagnostic detectors, a collimator, and beam dumps) are mounted on shielding plugs. The target and the beam dump suffer from radiation damage due to the heavy-ion beam and regular maintenance will be required. To conduct the remote maintenance, the plugs will be transported from the beamline using a 60 ton (5.8 m high) shielding flask to a hot cell. The hot cell will be equipped with master-slave manipulators and a power manipulator to replace the consumable parts and carry out the remote maintenance.
        Speaker: Dr Faraz Amjad (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
      • 55
        SNS Hot Cell Design Philosophy 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        ORNL’s Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) utilizes liquid mercury as its spallation target material. The requisite infrastructure to support the operation and maintenance of the mercury process system must be reliable and robust to support safe neutron production operations, yet versatile and flexible to react to contingencies and adapt to changing operational requirements. Due to the unique hazards associated with liquid mercury, the entire process system is housed within a heavily-shielded hot cell. The philosophy of the SNS hot cell design is predicated on fully remote operations with no hands-on human involvement. Basic details of the hot cell design itself will be covered highlighting features that support both the facility safety basis and the nominal operational requirements. All aspects of hot cell operation and maintenance rely on the use of a complex dual-arm servomanipulator system supplemented by conventional master-slave through-the-wall manipulators and an in-cell overhead crane. Design and operational features of the servomanipulator system will be discussed. An overview of nominal hot cell operations will be discussed along with the expanding role of Post-Irradiation Examination (PIE) and mercury process system enhancements. Significant operational experience has resulted in an evolution of the operational philosophy since initial beam-on-target in 2006. A discussion of this evolution and the hardware and operational risks associated with this design philosophy will be presented.
        Speaker: Mr Michael Dayton (ORNL-SNS)
      • 56
        Design and Operation of the Mu2e Target Remote Handling System 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        The Mu2e experiment currently being designed and built at Fermilab will utilize a small tungsten target located in the middle of a long cylindrical vacuum chamber, which is then located inside a large superconducting solenoid. The radioactivity level of the target is very high at 3.3kSv/hr (contact) and the frequency for replacing this target is planned to be once per year. To perform this task, a remote handling system is being developed at Fermilab that utilizes 2 robotic machines - one to remove/replace the access window, and another to remove/replace the target. The design of the Mu2e remote handling system will be presented. Additionally, the most recent progress made to build the target handling machine will be discussed, including videos of the machine in autonomous operation both installing and removing targets.
        Speaker: Mr Michael Campbell (FNAL)
    • 10:20 AM
      Coffee Break 1300 FRIB Lobby

      1300 FRIB Lobby

    • Session 5-Target Facility Challenges: T. Naoe / Y.J. Lee
      • 57
        Preliminary design study of the integration and remote handling processes for the Beam Dump Facility Target Complex 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        CERN has launched a work programme to evaluate the feasibility of a new facility for fixed target physics and dark matter searches (the “Beam Dump Facility”, BDF). In the proposed facility, a production target/dump, will be capable of absorbing the entire energy of the beam extracted from the Super Proton Synchrotron. The target will produce weakly interacting particles for investigation by a suite of particle detectors downstream of the target complex. High levels of radiation (both prompt and residual) will be produced: the total cumulated dose foreseen near the target is around 500 MGy/year. The target will be underground and all handling operations on the target and surrounding equipment will be carried out remotely. The target complex will house the target and its services; a new extraction tunnel and an experimental complex will complete the BDF. Conceptual design work on the target complex had previously been carried out at CERN in support of a technical proposal to obtain funding for the current BDF study phase. The first goal of the preliminary design study covered by this presentation was to demonstrate the feasibility of the construction, operation, maintenance of the BDF target complex. The second goal of the study was to produce integration-level designs of the target complex to allow development of civil engineering designs and further design of technical services by other specialist teams as part of the work to evaluate the feasibility and estimated cost of the BDF facility. The study has been conducted with the support of an external remote handling design company working in close collaboration with CERN. After briefly introducing the BDF, the presentation outlines organisation of the study then describes the resulting target complex designs. Further work, currently underway, to complete the integration design for the CDR is introduced.
        Speaker: Mr Keith Kershaw (CERN)
      • 58
        ISIS Second Target Station 2 Extracted Proton Beam Window Replacement 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        ISIS uses proton beam windows for both its two target stations as means of separation between the target void vessel environment and accelerator vacuum. The window with an expected life time of 20 years failed prematurely on the 19th of October 2017 after only 9 years of operation.
      • 59
        An engineering review of the ISIS facility extracted proton beam windows. 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        The extracted proton beam (EPB) windows separating the proton beam transfer lines from each neutron target stations are key components in the ISIS neutron spallation source. This work focuses on the different designs employed and their challenges on operation and replacement.
        Speaker: Mr Daniel Blanco Lopez (UKRI/STFC, RAL, ISIS)
      • 60
        SNS Core Vessel Water Leak Saga 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        ORNL’s Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) operates its Core Vessel with a helium atmosphere in part to mitigate potential corrosion of critical components. Components within the Core Vessel are cooled by three independent water cooling loops. For the first time since SNS operations began in 2006, the presence of liquid water was detected in a Core Vessel drain in September 2016. While the design of the Core Vessel system provides a means to remove leaking water, the presence of liquid water represents an operational risk making it imperative to mitigate or eliminate the source of the leak. Following this leak indication in 2016, SNS engineering and operations personnel embarked on a journey to understand and solve this problem. Discovery of the initial leak will be discussed along with efforts to quantify the leak rate and origin. A subsequent maintenance outage enabled removal of the Core Vessel lid for further investigation revealing a source of the leak. An innovative solution to this leak was developed to remove the water the Core Vessel and return it directly to the cooling loop. Details of this solution will be discussed. Despite these efforts, leaks have persisted resulting in several operational impacts. Recent replacement of the Inner Reflector Plug provided the opportunity to perform a visual inspection of the Core Vessel. The results and findings of this inspection will be discussed along with potential actions.
        Speaker: Mr Michael Dayton (ORNL-SNS)
    • 12:30 PM
      Lunch Break
    • Session 7-Operation of Targets and Beam Dumps: H. Okuno / C. Stodel
      • 61
        Radiation Protection at CERN - learn from the past and prepare for the future
        CERN is one of the world-leading laboratories for particle physics and was founded more than 60 years ago. The 600 MeV Synchrocyclotron (SC), built in 1957, was CERN’s first accelerator that provided beams for CERN’s first experiments in particle and nuclear physics. Since then several more powerful, more intense and also much larger accelerators have been built like the Large Hadron collider (LHC) which has started operation in 2008. Protection of people from ionising radiation as well as of the environment has always been a very important task of the Radiation Protection Group at CERN. This goes together with more restrictive radiation protection limits nowadays compared to the ones in force during the operation of CERNs first accelerators and even compared to the limits at the end of the last century. This talk will give an overview of the tasks and developments in the RP group at CERN and will also address the challenges ahead of us in the future.
        Speaker: Dr Heinz Vincke (CERN)
      • 62
        Spallation Neutron Source Status Update 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        This presentation will highlight Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) achievements and difficulties since the High Power Targetry Workshop in April of 2016.
        Speaker: Mr Bernard Riemer (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
      • 63
        Commissioning of Gas Injection at SNS 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        Details of the commissioning plan phases and the goals of each steps, observations and lessons learned during the commissioning will be presented. Finally, the path to include gas injection into routing operation and to potentially inject more gas will be also presented.
        Speaker: Dr Charlotte Barbier (ORNL)
      • 64
        Development of High-Radiation-Tolerant Fiber-Optic Sensors for SNS Mercury Target Strain Measurement 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        A low-coherence interferometer-based fiber-optic sensor has been developed to measure the dynamic strains in the SNS mercury target. Measurement bandwidth and radiation tolerance are an order of magnitude higher than commercial products. Measurement performance in the recent SNS target is described.
        Speaker: Dr Yun Liu (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
    • 3:10 PM
      Coffee Break 1300 FRIB Lobby

      1300 FRIB Lobby

    • Session 7-Operation of Targets and Beam Dumps: H. Okuno / C. Stodel
      • 65
        Analysis and Operational Feedback on the Current High Energy Beam Dump in the CERN SPS 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        The CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) high-energy internal dump (TIDVG) is used to intercept beam dumps from 102.2 to 450 GeV. The previous device featured an absorbing core composed of different materials (graphite, aluminium, copper and a tungsten alloy) surrounded by a water cooled copper jacket. An inspection in 2013 revealed significant beam induced damage to the aluminium absorbing block, resulting in operational limitations to minimise the risk of reproducing this phenomenon. Additionally, in 2016 a vacuum leak was detected in the dump assembly, which imposed further restrictions to operations, i.e. a reduction of the beam intensity that could be dumped. In the winter stop of 2016-2017, a new version of the TIDVG (featuring several design modifications) was installed. With the proposed design, an average beam power of 60 kW can be dumped continuously (approximately 90% of the beam power is actually absorbed by the dump-shielding assembly). This paper analyses the design of the new device and its performance observed during the commissioning period and subsequent operation in 2017. The temperature measurements recorded during this time were used to benchmark numerical models that allow predicting the behaviour of the dump under different conditions. After several iterations, a good agreement between simulations and real measurements was obtained; resulting in numerical models that can produce reliable results for this and other devices with similar design.
        Speaker: Dr Antonio Perillo-Marcone (CERN)
      • 66
        Targets for S3: design, fabrication and control under irradiation 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        A major experimental concern of thin targets is their behavior under highly intense heavy ion beams. We propose to report on the experimental set-up under consideration (electron gun and infrared camera) and to discuss on the present results.
        Speaker: Dr Christelle STODEL (Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds)
      • 67
        Perspective of muon production target at J-PARC MLF MUSE 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        A pulsed muon beam with unprecedented intensity will be generated by a 3-GeV 333-microA proton beam on a muon target made of 20-mm thick isotropic graphite at J-PARC MLF MUSE (Muon Science Establishment). The muon rotating target was newly installed in September of 2014, and it was confirmed that the rotating target could stand up to 500-kW proton beam operation. Subsequently, continuous and stable operation has been successfully performed for three years and four months. Further upgrade of beam power up to 1 MW is expected. We must prepare for the high power operation. Recently, new developments of muon target for further higher power operation are in progress. The investigation or the developments of SiC coated graphite, SiC composite material, and ductile tungsten as a new target material is in progress. The perspective of the muon production target at J-PARC MLF MUSE will be introduced in this presentation.
        Speaker: Shunsuke Makimura (J-PARC/KEK)
      • 68
        Target system maintenance experience in hot cell at J-PARC 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        At the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC), a mercury target system has been in operation as a neutron production target of the spallation neutron source driven by 3-GeV protons. It is loaded on a big target trolley that has a dimension of 12.2 m in length, 2.6 m in width and 4 m in height and moves horizontally on a rail in a hot cell. The volume of the hot cell is as large as L43 $\times$ W12 $\times$ H15 m. Half area of the hot cell is used for the maintenance of the mercury target system and the floor is covered by a stainless lining considering a leak of liquid mercury. The other half area is used for the replacement of the proton beam window and moderators. Target vessel replacement is performed with full-remote handling devices such as a 6-axis power manipulator, 3 pairs of master/slave manipulators, an in-cell overhead 20 t crane and radiation resistant cameras. Since a large amount of radioactive gaseous nuclides are generated in mercury via the spallation reactions, they should be transferred from the surge tank of the mercury circulation system to an off-gas processing system before removing the used target vessel. The off-gas processing system is installed in a room nearby the hot cell. It is also operated during target replacement work to suppress the release of tritium in the mercury target system to open air . The used target vessel is contained in a stainless steel container and moved to a storage room on the basement floor with the overhead crane. More detailed design of hot cell and experiences on the target system maintenance will be presented.
        Speaker: Dr Takashi Naoe (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
    • 5:40 PM
      Tranport to Workshop Banquet
    • 6:30 PM
      Workshop Banquet Michigan Princess

      Michigan Princess

    • 9:30 PM
      Transport to select hotels
    • Friday Morning Announcements 1200 FRIB Building

      1200 FRIB Building

    • Session 8-Multipurpose Use of Targets and Beam Dumps: W.Mittig / T. Stora
      • 69
        Isotope Harvesting at FRIB
        Inside the high-power beamstop at FRIB, nuclear reactions between the fast heavy-ion beam and water will create a large number of by-product radionuclides. Many of them are valuable for applied and basic-science research if they can be efficiently recovered from the beamstop water. We are currently designing and testing the systems that will allow collection and purification of these radionuclides, and one major concern is that many of the envisioned processes will be influenced by the unique radiolysis environment inside of the cooling system. Varied redox potentials and a pulsed time-dependent pH in the cooling water will potentially lead to unpredictable speciation of aqueous ions and the inclusion of corrosion products. Meanwhile the sensitivity of the cooling system to chemical alterations precludes intervention, except to maintain the physical integrity of the cooling system components. Despite the challenges, preliminary testing at the NSCL shows that harvesting is feasible and is an important path towards obtaining the unique radionuclides created by heavy-ion interactions with water.
        Speaker: Dr Gregory Severin (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
      • 70
        High Power Liquid Lead-bismuth Targetry for Intense Fast Neutron Sources Using a Superconducting Electron Linac
        Niowave, in a close collaboration with the experts at LANL, is developing a forced-flow liquid metal based high power neutron target that can generate 1014 n/s source neutrons with a 40 MeV 50 kW electron beam. This neutron target not only drives Niowave’s subcritical uranium assembly for its medical isotope production facility, it also provides a fast-spectrum neutron environment for material irradiation studies for next generation reactor development. In this target, a high energy electron from Niowave’s superconducting electron linac generates bremsstrahlung in a high Z material then fission-like photoneutrons are produced via photonuclear reactions. Lead bismuth eutectic (LBE, Tmelt = 125 °C) is chosen to efficiently convert electrons to neutrons and to dissipate heat when operating at high power since majority of beam power is deposited as heat in the target. Small quantities (few grams) of uranium can be added in LBE to increase neutron yield due to fission neutrons from photofission reaction. The system is equipped with an LBE mechanical pump, sealed LBE container, heat exchanger, and converter chamber where electron beam interacts with flowing LBE. Various sensors and instruments are being developed to monitor LBE temperature, flow rate, and oxygen content in this system. In parallel, Niowave designed and built a corrosion test station to investigate the corrosion behavior of various materials in high temperature LBE. Several samples (HT9, MA956, 304L, 316L, Ti, Ti alloy, Nb) were submerged in LBE for up to a month at a constant temperature ranging from 500 to 700 °C. In this talk, we will present Niowave’s high power liquid metal target development activities including design, thermomechanical analysis, testing, concept validation, and future work. Versatility of the liquid metal target and its relevance to high power targetry development activities for nuclear physics research at FRIB will be discussed.
        Speaker: Mayir Mamtimin (Niowave Inc.)
      • 71
        Compact Sealed lithium target for accelerator-driven BNCT system 1200 FRIB Bldg

        1200 FRIB Bldg

        An accelerator-based neutron source for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy is under developing with a combination of a DC accelerator (IBA Dynamitron, 2.8MeV, 15mA) and a compact sealed lithium target. Low energy protons incident on lithium target are one of the most suitable reaction for accelerator-based BNCT. However, metallic lithium has several difficulties in chemical properties (low melting point, high chemical activity and 7Be production) as a target material. For resolving those issues, we are developing a compact and sealed Li target. The sealed lithium target contains a thin lithium layer (2mm) between a thin titanium foil and an embossed structure on a tantalum base plate. Then, the liquid lithium and radio isotopes (Be-7, T) can be confined in the target. The low-energy and high current proton beam is passing through a titanium foil and irradiated to the lithium layer. Such a high beam flux (More than 7MW/m2) can be removed by a strong turbulent flow arose with ribs in cooling water channels of the target. Neutrons with the energies of less than 1MeV are produced due to the 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction by the irradiation of the 2.8MeV proton beams and could be moderated using a compact beam shaping assembly to meet all the conditions indicated in the IAEA-TECDOC-1223. Sealed lithium target will be replaced routinely after cancer treatments of more than one hundred by a remote handling system. We are constructing a compact accelerator-driven neutron source in the Nagoya University and confirm the practical reliability of the sealed lithium target for the BNCT application.
        Speaker: Prof. Kazuki Tsuchida (Nagoya University)
    • 10:20 AM
      Coffee Break 1300 FRIB Lobby

      1300 FRIB Lobby

    • Session 8-Multipurpose Use of Targets and Beam Dumps: W.Mittig / T. Stora
      • 72
        Physics Beyond Colliders at CERN
        It is an interesting time for particle physics. There is strong evidence for Dark Matter, and little sign of deviations from the Standard Model at the LHC. This is fermenting a growing interest in precision studies and searches for novel forces at wide range of energies and couplings. In 2016 CERN established a Physics Beyond Collider initiative, an exploratory study aimed at exploiting the full scientific potential of CERN's accelerator complex and its scientific infrastructure through projects complementary to the LHC, HL-LHC and other possible future colliders. Following an brief recap of the motivations, an overview of the options being explored is presented. These range from a beam dump facility, an all-electrostatic ring to measure the electric dipole moment of the proton, to solar axion searches. Particular attention is given to the fixed target options which primarily aim to harness the potential of the SPS.
        Speaker: Mike Lamont (CERN)
    • Final Discussion and Adjourn
    • 12:30 PM
      Lunch - Box lunches