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21–25 May 2018
US/Eastern timezone

Measuring the B(E2) of the $\frac{1}{2}^- \rightarrow \frac{3}{2}^-$ transition in $^7Be$

23 May 2018, 16:30
1h 30m


Mr Samuel Henderson (University of Notre Dame)


Ab-initio methods have been successful in describing the structure of light nuclei using realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions, but more experimental data is needed for light unstable nuclei. Recent no-core configuration interaction calculations have made predictions for the ratio of E2 transition strengths for the first excited state transition in $^7Be$ and $^7Li$. Additional calculations that include clustering effects show a significant difference in the $^7Be$ and $^7Li$ B(E2) value. The E2 transition strength of the $^7Be$ first excited state has never been measured, which provides an interesting opportunity to investigate the accuracy of these calculations. To measure this E2 transition strength, a Coulomb Excitation experiment was performed at the University of Notre Dame. $^7Be$ was produced and separated using TwinSol. A beam of $^7Be$ ions were scattered off a gold target into an s2 silicon detector and the gamma rays from the inelastically scattered ions were detected using six clover Ge detectors. LISE++ and Geant4 simulations were used to correct for considerable beam anisotropies which had previously hindered turning gamma counts into a B(E2) value. The resulting $^7Be$ E2 transition strength and its comparison to the no-core configuration interaction approach will be shown. This work has been supported by US NSF grant no. PHY 14-19765 and DOE grant number DE-FG02-95ER-40934.

Primary author

Mr Samuel Henderson (University of Notre Dame)


Dr Anna Simon (University of Notre Dame) Dan Bardayan (University of Notre Dame) Mr Jacob Allen (University of Notre Dame) Dr James Kolata (University of Notre Dame) Dr Jay Riggins (University of Michigan) Dr Mark Caprio (University of Notre Dam) Mr Matthew Hall (University of Notre Dame) Mr Patrick Fasano (University of Notre Dame) Dr Patrick O'Malley (University of Notre Dame) Mr Ramon Torres-Isea (University of Michigan) Tan Ahn (University of Notre Dame) Ms Xuyang Li (University of Notre Dame)

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