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21–25 May 2018
US/Eastern timezone

The Depth of a Neutron Star Crust

23 May 2018, 16:30
1h 30m


Lauren Balliet (Texas A&M University - Commerce)


**The Depth of a Neutron Star Crust** Lauren Balliet and Brianna Douglas Department of Physics and Astronomy Texas A&M University - Commerce Dr. William Newton Department of Physics and Astronomy Texas A&M University - Commerce (Dated: February 28, 2018) Neutron stars are a valuable asset to modern nuclear astrophysics in that they provide a unique environment to study matter under extreme conditions. Much of the observational data obtained from neutron stars contains information about the structure and dynamics of the crust. Using such observations to measure crust properties requires understanding the uncertainty range from models of the thickness of the different layers of the crust. These uncertainties arise from uncertainties in the properties of nuclear matter. My poster will show how I examined the correlations between the crust thickness and nuclear matter parameters. I will compare the results of a number of different ways to calculate the crust thickness, and use them to estimate the uncertainty in estimates of crust oscillation frequencies and the crust cooling time.

Primary author

Lauren Balliet (Texas A&M University - Commerce)


Brianna Douglas (Texas A&M Univ - Commerce) Dr William Newton (Texas A&M University-Commerce)

Presentation materials

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